  • 11 Jul 2022
  • 14 Minutes to read
  • Dark


  • Dark

Article summary


VoiceBot JSON Format

VoiceBot is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

trainingStatusenumAllowed values are succeeded, processing, failed.
importingStatusenumAllowed values are none, processing, succeeded, failed.
engineIdguidId of the engine.
idguidId of the voicebot.
languageIdstringLanguage options: en, zh-CN, zh-TW.
descriptionstringDescription of this voicebot.
namestringName of the voicebot.
timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInputintegerUnit: Second. Available value: 1 - 60. Default: 20.
voiceNameIdstringVoice of this voicebot.(Male or Female)
intentHighConfidenceScoreintegerThe score lower than the High Confidence Score is considered as no answer.
lastUpdatedTimedatetimeThis attribute stores the last updated time for a voicebot. Once the voicebot or any sub attribute of the voicebot is edited, this value will be changed to the current time.
timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInputintegerUnit: Second. Available value: 1 - 600. Default: 90.
wordsThatTriggerBotToWaitstring []Per line per word. For example, the caller says: Please hold on.
messageWhenBotTriggeredToWaitstringFor example, Bot says: OK, take your time.
botWaitingTimeintegerUnit: Second. Default: 90.
channelIdguidId of the channel.
engineengineReference to Chatbot Engine.
channelchannelReference to Voicebot Channel Instance.
languagelanguageReference to Language.
voiceNamevoiceNameReference to .

Get the list of VoiceBots

GET voicebot/voicebots

  • Parameters:

includestringquerynoAllowed value is "voicebotChannelInstance".
  • Response:

An array of VoiceBot

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebots \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

      "trainingStatus": "",
      "importingStatus": "",
      "engineId": "",
      "id": "44e7f26e-c5c0-4a80-a5cc-153a81b44ed9",
      "languageId": "",
      "description": "",
      "name": "",
      "timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInput": 1,
      "voiceNameId": "",
      "intentHighConfidenceScore": 1,
      "lastUpdatedTime": "",
      "timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInput": 1,
      "messageBeforeHangUpCallWhenNoInput": "",
      "wordsThatTriggerBotToWait": [
      "messageWhenBotTriggeredToWait": "",
      "botWaitingTime": 1,
      "channelId": "",
      "engine": {
          "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
          "name": ""
      "channel": {
          "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
          "voiceChannelId": "",
          "infoId": "",
          "channelType": "",
          "voiceChannel": {
              "name": "",
              "callbackUrl": "",
              "plugInId": "",
              "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
              "payloadType": ""
      "language": {
          "id": "516B94B1-C148-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
          "name": "Engilsh",
          "canBeUsedInAgentConsoleUi": false,
          "canBeUsedInControlPanelUi": false,
          "canBeUsedInCampaign": false,
          "canBeUsedInChatbot": false,
          "canBeUsedInAgentAssist": false,
          "canBeUsedInVoicebot": true
      "voiceName": {
          "id": "",
          "language": "",
          "languageCode": "",
          "voiceType": "",
          "genderType": "",
          "sample": ""

Get a single VoiceBot

GET voicebot/voicebots/{id}

  • Parameters:

includestringquerynoAllowed value is "voicebotChannelInstance".
  • Response:


  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebots/44e7f26e-c5c0-4a80-a5cc-153a81b44ed9 \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "trainingStatus": "",
  "importingStatus": "",
  "engineId": "",
  "id": "44e7f26e-c5c0-4a80-a5cc-153a81b44ed9",
  "languageId": "",
  "description": "",
  "name": "",
  "timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInput": 1,
  "voiceNameId": "",
  "intentHighConfidenceScore": 1,
  "lastUpdatedTime": "",
  "timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInput": 1,
  "messageBeforeHangUpCallWhenNoInput": "",
  "wordsThatTriggerBotToWait": [
  "messageWhenBotTriggeredToWait": "",
  "botWaitingTime": 1,
  "channelId": "",
  "engine": {
      "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
      "name": ""
  "channel": {
      "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
      "voiceChannelId": "",
      "infoId": "",
      "channelType": "",
      "voiceChannel": {
          "name": "",
          "callbackUrl": "",
          "plugInId": "",
          "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
          "payloadType": ""
  "language": {
      "id": "516B94B1-C148-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
      "name": "Engilsh",
      "canBeUsedInAgentConsoleUi": false,
      "canBeUsedInControlPanelUi": false,
      "canBeUsedInCampaign": false,
      "canBeUsedInChatbot": false,
      "canBeUsedInAgentAssist": false,
      "canBeUsedInVoicebot": true
  "voiceName": {
      "id": "",
      "language": "",
      "languageCode": "",
      "voiceType": "",
      "genderType": "",
      "sample": ""

Create a new VoiceBot

POST voicebot/voicebots

  • Parameters:

trainingStatusenumbodynoAllowed values are succeeded, processing, failed.
importingStatusenumbodynoAllowed values are none, processing, succeeded, failed.
engineIdguidbodynoId of the engine.
languageIdstringbodynoLanguage options: en, zh-CN, zh-TW.
descriptionstringbodynoDescription of this voicebot.
namestringbodyyesName of the voicebot.
timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInputintegerbodynoUnit: Second. Available value: 1 - 60. Default: 20.
voiceNameIdstringbodynoVoice of this voicebot.(Male or Female)
intentHighConfidenceScoreintegerbodynoThe score lower than the High Confidence Score is considered as no answer.
lastUpdatedTimedatetimebodynoThis attribute stores the last updated time for a voicebot. Once the voicebot or any sub attribute of the voicebot is edited, this value will be changed to the current time.
timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInputintegerbodynoUnit: Second. Available value: 1 - 600. Default: 90.
wordsThatTriggerBotToWaitstring []bodynoPer line per word. For example, the caller says: Please hold on.
messageWhenBotTriggeredToWaitstringbodynoFor example, Bot says: OK, take your time.
botWaitingTimeintegerbodynoUnit: Second. Default: 90.
channelIdguidbodynoId of the channel.
channelchannelbodyyesReference to Voicebot Channel Instance.
  • Response:


  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebots \ 
    -X 'POST' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"trainingStatus":"","importingStatus":"","engineId":"","languageId":"","description":"","name":"","timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInput":1,"voiceNameId":"","intentHighConfidenceScore":1,"lastUpdatedTime":"","timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInput":1,"messageBeforeHangUpCallWhenNoInput":"","wordsThatTriggerBotToWait":[""],"messageWhenBotTriggeredToWait":"","botWaitingTime":1,"channelId":"","channel":{"voiceChannelId":"","infoId":"","channelType":""}}' 


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "trainingStatus": "",
  "importingStatus": "",
  "engineId": "",
  "id": "44e7f26e-c5c0-4a80-a5cc-153a81b44ed9",
  "languageId": "",
  "description": "",
  "name": "",
  "timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInput": 1,
  "voiceNameId": "",
  "intentHighConfidenceScore": 1,
  "lastUpdatedTime": "",
  "timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInput": 1,
  "messageBeforeHangUpCallWhenNoInput": "",
  "wordsThatTriggerBotToWait": [
  "messageWhenBotTriggeredToWait": "",
  "botWaitingTime": 1,
  "channelId": "",
  "engine": {
      "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
      "name": ""
  "channel": {
      "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
      "voiceChannelId": "",
      "infoId": "",
      "channelType": "",
      "voiceChannel": {
          "name": "",
          "callbackUrl": "",
          "plugInId": "",
          "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
          "payloadType": ""
  "language": {
      "id": "516B94B1-C148-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
      "name": "Engilsh",
      "canBeUsedInAgentConsoleUi": false,
      "canBeUsedInControlPanelUi": false,
      "canBeUsedInCampaign": false,
      "canBeUsedInChatbot": false,
      "canBeUsedInAgentAssist": false,
      "canBeUsedInVoicebot": true
  "voiceName": {
      "id": "",
      "language": "",
      "languageCode": "",
      "voiceType": "",
      "genderType": "",
      "sample": ""

Update the VoiceBot

PUT voicebot/voicebots/{id}

  • Parameters:

trainingStatusenumnoAllowed values are succeeded, processing, failed.
importingStatusenumbodynoAllowed values are none, processing, succeeded, failed.
engineIdguidbodynoId of the engine.
languageIdstringbodynoLanguage options: en, zh-CN, zh-TW.
descriptionstringbodynoDescription of this voicebot.
namestringbodyyesName of the voicebot.
timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInputintegerbodynoUnit: Second. Available value: 1 - 60. Default: 20.
voiceNameIdstringbodynoVoice of this voicebot.(Male or Female)
intentHighConfidenceScoreintegerbodynoThe score lower than the High Confidence Score is considered as no answer.
lastUpdatedTimedatetimebodynoThis attribute stores the last updated time for a voicebot. Once the voicebot or any sub attribute of the voicebot is edited, this value will be changed to the current time.
timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInputintegerbodynoUnit: Second. Available value: 1 - 600. Default: 90.
wordsThatTriggerBotToWaitstring []bodynoPer line per word. For example, the caller says: Please hold on.
messageWhenBotTriggeredToWaitstringbodynoFor example, Bot says: OK, take your time.
botWaitingTimeintegerbodynoUnit: Second. Default: 90.
channelIdguidbodynoId of the channel.
channelchannelbodyyesReference to Voicebot Channel Instance.
  • Response:


  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebots/44e7f26e-c5c0-4a80-a5cc-153a81b44ed9 \ 
    -X 'PUT' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"trainingStatus":"","importingStatus":"","engineId":"","languageId":"","description":"","name":"","timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInput":1,"voiceNameId":"","intentHighConfidenceScore":1,"lastUpdatedTime":"","timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInput":1,"messageBeforeHangUpCallWhenNoInput":"","wordsThatTriggerBotToWait":[""],"messageWhenBotTriggeredToWait":"","botWaitingTime":1,"channelId":"","channel":{"voiceChannelId":"","infoId":"","channelType":""}}' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "trainingStatus": "",
  "importingStatus": "",
  "engineId": "",
  "id": "44e7f26e-c5c0-4a80-a5cc-153a81b44ed9",
  "languageId": "",
  "description": "",
  "name": "",
  "timeIntervalToRepeatLastMessageWhenNoInput": 1,
  "voiceNameId": "",
  "intentHighConfidenceScore": 1,
  "lastUpdatedTime": "",
  "timeToHangUpCallWhenNoInput": 1,
  "messageBeforeHangUpCallWhenNoInput": "",
  "wordsThatTriggerBotToWait": [
  "messageWhenBotTriggeredToWait": "",
  "botWaitingTime": 1,
  "channelId": "",
  "engine": {
      "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
      "name": ""
  "channel": {
      "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
      "voiceChannelId": "",
      "infoId": "",
      "channelType": "",
      "voiceChannel": {
          "name": "",
          "callbackUrl": "",
          "plugInId": "",
          "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
          "payloadType": ""
  "language": {
      "id": "516B94B1-C148-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
      "name": "Engilsh",
      "canBeUsedInAgentConsoleUi": false,
      "canBeUsedInControlPanelUi": false,
      "canBeUsedInCampaign": false,
      "canBeUsedInChatbot": false,
      "canBeUsedInAgentAssist": false,
      "canBeUsedInVoicebot": true
  "voiceName": {
      "id": "",
      "language": "",
      "languageCode": "",
      "voiceType": "",
      "genderType": "",
      "sample": ""

Remove the VoiceBot

DELETE voicebot/voicebots/{id}

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

No Content

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebots/44e7f26e-c5c0-4a80-a5cc-153a81b44ed9 \ 
    -X 'DELETE' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Voicebot Channel Instance JSON Format

Voicebot Channel Instance is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

idguidId of the voice bot channel instance.
voiceChannelIdguidId of the voice bot channel.
infoIdguidId of the twilio or Sip configuration.
channelTypeenumAllowed values are twilio, sip.
voiceChannelvoiceChannelReference to .

Get the list of Voicebot Channel Instances

GET voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances

  • Parameters:

includestringquerynoAllowed value is "info".
  • Response:

An array of Voicebot Channel Instance

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

      "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
      "voiceChannelId": "",
      "infoId": "",
      "channelType": "",
      "voiceChannel": {
          "name": "",
          "callbackUrl": "",
          "plugInId": "",
          "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
          "payloadType": ""

Get a single Voicebot Channel Instance

GET voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances/{id}

  • Parameters:

includestringquerynoAllowed value is "info".
  • Response:

Voicebot Channel Instance

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances/f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017 \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
  "voiceChannelId": "",
  "infoId": "",
  "channelType": "",
  "voiceChannel": {
      "name": "",
      "callbackUrl": "",
      "plugInId": "",
      "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
      "payloadType": ""

Create a new Voicebot Channel Instance

POST voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances

  • Parameters:

voiceChannelIdguidbodynoId of the voice bot channel.
infoIdguidbodynoId of the twilio or Sip configuration.
channelTypeenumbodynoAllowed values are twilio, sip.
  • Response:

Voicebot Channel Instance

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances \ 
    -X 'POST' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"voiceChannelId":"","infoId":"","channelType":""}' 


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
  "voiceChannelId": "",
  "infoId": "",
  "channelType": "",
  "voiceChannel": {
      "name": "",
      "callbackUrl": "",
      "plugInId": "",
      "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
      "payloadType": ""

Update the Voicebot Channel Instance

PUT voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances/{id}

  • Parameters:

voiceChannelIdguidbodynoId of the voice bot channel.
infoIdguidbodynoId of the twilio or Sip configuration.
channelTypeenumbodynoAllowed values are twilio, sip.
  • Response:

Voicebot Channel Instance

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances/f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017 \ 
    -X 'PUT' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"voiceChannelId":"","infoId":"","channelType":""}' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017",
  "voiceChannelId": "",
  "infoId": "",
  "channelType": "",
  "voiceChannel": {
      "name": "",
      "callbackUrl": "",
      "plugInId": "",
      "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
      "payloadType": ""

Remove the Voicebot Channel Instance

DELETE voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances/{id}

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

No Content

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelInstances/f526f2fc-49a6-4e20-b954-e0d22824d017 \ 
    -X 'DELETE' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration JSON Format

voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

idguidId of the twilio configuration.
phoneNumberstringCustomers can choose one. Cannot be changed after creation in this version.
phoneNumberCountrystringAllowed values are BE, CA, DK, FR, AT, FI, US, NL, CL, GB, IL, PR, ZA, AU.

Get the list of voicebot Channel Twilio Configurations

GET voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

An array of voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

      "id": "5b8d5c3a-2f16-4c9f-bfb6-4767d7b0db8a",
      "phoneNumber": "",
      "phoneNumberCountry": ""

Get a single voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

GET voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations/{id}

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations/5b8d5c3a-2f16-4c9f-bfb6-4767d7b0db8a \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "5b8d5c3a-2f16-4c9f-bfb6-4767d7b0db8a",
  "phoneNumber": "",
  "phoneNumberCountry": ""

Create a new voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

POST voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations

  • Parameters:

phoneNumberstringbodyyesCustomers can choose one. Cannot be changed after creation in this version.
phoneNumberCountrystringbodyyesAllowed values are BE, CA, DK, FR, AT, FI, US, NL, CL, GB, IL, PR, ZA, AU.
  • Response:

voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations \ 
    -X 'POST' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"phoneNumber":"","phoneNumberCountry":""}' 


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "id": "5b8d5c3a-2f16-4c9f-bfb6-4767d7b0db8a",
  "phoneNumber": "",
  "phoneNumberCountry": ""

Update the voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

PUT voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations/{id}

  • Parameters:

phoneNumberstringbodyyesCustomers can choose one. Cannot be changed after creation in this version.
phoneNumberCountrystringbodyyesAllowed values are BE, CA, DK, FR, AT, FI, US, NL, CL, GB, IL, PR, ZA, AU.
  • Response:

voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations/5b8d5c3a-2f16-4c9f-bfb6-4767d7b0db8a \ 
    -X 'PUT' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"phoneNumber":"","phoneNumberCountry":""}' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "5b8d5c3a-2f16-4c9f-bfb6-4767d7b0db8a",
  "phoneNumber": "",
  "phoneNumberCountry": ""

Remove the voicebot Channel Twilio Configuration

DELETE voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations/{id}

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

No Content

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelTwilioConfigurations/5b8d5c3a-2f16-4c9f-bfb6-4767d7b0db8a \ 
    -X 'DELETE' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration JSON Format

Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

sIPServerstringSIP server domain or IP address. Can include the port. If Port is not specified, use 5060 as default port.
usernamestringUsername of this SIP.
passwordstringPassword of this SIP.
isAuthUsernameRequiredboolDefault: false. If need to use auth username to register.
outboundProxystringOnly available when If Use Auth Username is true. Domain or IP address. Can include the port. If Port is not specified, use 5060 as default port.
isOutboundProxyRequiredboolDefault: false. If need to use different outbound proxy server to do outbound calls.
authUsernamestringOnly available when If Use Auth Username is true.

Get the list of Voice Bot Channel SIP Configurations

GET voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

An array of Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

      "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
      "sIPServer": "",
      "username": "",
      "password": "",
      "isAuthUsernameRequired": true,
      "outboundProxy": "",
      "isOutboundProxyRequired": true,
      "authUsername": ""

Get a single Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

GET voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations/{id}

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations/44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1 \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
  "sIPServer": "",
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "isAuthUsernameRequired": true,
  "outboundProxy": "",
  "isOutboundProxyRequired": true,
  "authUsername": ""

Create a new Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

POST voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations

  • Parameters:

sIPServerstringbodynoSIP server domain or IP address. Can include the port. If Port is not specified, use 5060 as default port.
usernamestringbodyyesUsername of this SIP.
passwordstringbodyyesPassword of this SIP.
isAuthUsernameRequiredboolbodynoDefault: false. If need to use auth username to register.
outboundProxystringbodyyesOnly available when If Use Auth Username is true. Domain or IP address. Can include the port. If Port is not specified, use 5060 as default port.
isOutboundProxyRequiredboolbodynoDefault: false. If need to use different outbound proxy server to do outbound calls.
authUsernamestringbodyyesOnly available when If Use Auth Username is true.
  • Response:

Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations \ 
    -X 'POST' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"sIPServer":"","username":"","password":"","isAuthUsernameRequired":true,"outboundProxy":"","isOutboundProxyRequired":true,"authUsername":""}' 


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
  "sIPServer": "",
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "isAuthUsernameRequired": true,
  "outboundProxy": "",
  "isOutboundProxyRequired": true,
  "authUsername": ""

Update the Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

PUT voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations/{id}

  • Parameters:

sIPServerstringbodynoSIP server domain or IP address. Can include the port. If Port is not specified, use 5060 as default port.
usernamestringbodyyesUsername of this SIP.
passwordstringbodyyesPassword of this SIP.
isAuthUsernameRequiredboolbodynoDefault: false. If need to use auth username to register.
outboundProxystringbodyyesOnly available when If Use Auth Username is true. Domain or IP address. Can include the port. If Port is not specified, use 5060 as default port.
isOutboundProxyRequiredboolbodynoDefault: false. If need to use different outbound proxy server to do outbound calls.
authUsernamestringbodyyesOnly available when If Use Auth Username is true.
  • Response:

Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations/44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1 \ 
    -X 'PUT' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"sIPServer":"","username":"","password":"","isAuthUsernameRequired":true,"outboundProxy":"","isOutboundProxyRequired":true,"authUsername":""}' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1",
  "sIPServer": "",
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "isAuthUsernameRequired": true,
  "outboundProxy": "",
  "isOutboundProxyRequired": true,
  "authUsername": ""

Remove the Voice Bot Channel SIP Configuration

DELETE voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations/{id}

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

No Content

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/voicebot/voicebotChannelSIPConfigurations/44018834-86bf-4109-8061-afe3f98733f1 \ 
    -X 'DELETE' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

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