  • 03 Jan 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Article summary


Chat Status

You could use the following API to listen to chat status changes:

Comm100API.on('', function (chatGuid) { });
Comm100API.on('', function () { });

Here, when chat starts, the callback will be triggered with chat ID provided (as string). Chat will
be considered as started when agent accepts the requesting chat, either accepts manually or

When visitor is waiting, the chat is considered not started yet. You could use the following API to
listen to the queue position change:

Comm100API.on('', function (queue) { });

Here, queue position data will be provided as an object when callback is triggered. The structure of
this object is as follows:

const queue = {
  position: 0, // number, position of queue the visitor is in
  waitTime: 0, // number, estimated wait time


Comm100 Live Chat API provides several events related to agents involved in chats, they are:

Agent Join Chat

Comm100API.on('', function (agent) { });

Here, agent info is provided as an object when callback is triggered. The structure of this object
is as follows:

const agent = {
  id: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', // string, agent id
  name: '', // string, agent name
  title: '', // string, title of agent
  bio: '', // string, bio of agent

Agent Leave Chat

Comm100API.on('', function (agent) { });

Here, agent info is provided as an object when callback is triggered. The structure of this object
is the same as shown above.

Agent Transfer Chat

Comm100API.on('', function (agent) { });

Here, agent info is provided as an object when callback is triggered. The structure of this object
is the same as shown above.

Please notice that this agent is the one who transfer the chat to someone else or to some other
department. If you would like to know who accept the transfer, you should use
join chat API instead.

Agent Input

Comm100API.on('', function (agent, content) { });

Here, agent info is provided as an object when callback is triggered. The structure of this object
is the same as shown above.

It also provides second parameter, which is the content of agent sent message. For text message,
content will be string; for attachment or image, content will be an object with property
name indicating the name of this attachment and url indicating the download link of this


Visitor Input

Comm100API.on('', function (content) { });

When visitor sends out text messages, this event will be triggered. When function is called,
what visitor sends out will be provided as content parameter. Here, content is string.

Please notice that if you configured to mask credit card number, the sensitive data
will be masked first before providing to you via API.

Visitor Set Email

Comm100API.on('', function (email) { });

This api will inform you when visitor set his/her email address during the chat. Email address
will be provided as string.

Visitor Send Text Message

You can listen to visitor send text message:

Comm100API.on('', function (event) { });

This api will inform you before visitor send text message to agent. The text message content can be accessed via Additionally, you have the capability to abort the message sending process by invoking the event.cancel() method within this callback function.


The event.cancel() method must be invoked synchronously within the callback function.

To send a text message to agent during chat:'', 'Message content');

Invoking the method programmatically does not trigger the event associated with it. Therefore, it is safe to call this method within the event callback function.

With the APIs described above, you can intercept a visitor's text message, modify it, and then forward it to an agent.

Following is an example of masking visitor text when matching a regex:

Comm100API.on('', function (event) {
  if ( {
    const urlRegex = /https?:\/\/[^\s+]/g;
    // cancel current action, this MUST happen synchronously inside this function
    // send masked content'', '***');


Comm100API.on('', function (rating) { });

When visitor rate the agent during chat, callback will be triggered. The rating result will be
provided as an object, which has the following structure:

const rating = {
  score: 0, // number, rating score
  comment: '', // string, rating comment

Please notice that the attribute of strucutre above are optional, it depends on whether you
have enabled them in Control Panel.


You could listen to display event of chat panel:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });


You could listen to minimize event of chat panel:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });

To minimize chat panel manually, use following API:'');


You could listen to restore event of chat panel:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });

To restore the chat panel manually, use following API:'');


You could listen to close event of chat panel:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });

To close the chat panel manually, use following API:'');

Please notice that closing chat will not end chat by default. To ensure the ongoing chat is ended
before window is closed, you could use the API described below.

End Chat

To end ongoing chat, use following API:'');


There are several components in chat panel which can be replaced by your own component, following
are they and how you could replace:

Header Icons

Comm100API.render('', function () {
  // return custom HTMLElement to replace default component


Comm100API.render('', function () {
  // return custom HTMLElement to replace default component


Comm100API.render('', function () {
  // return custom HTMLElement to replace default component

Powered-by Area

Comm100API.render('', function () {
  // return custom HTMLElement to replace default component

Audio/Video Chat

To initiate audio chat, use following API:

/** @type {Promise<string>} */
const promise ='');

To initiate video chat, use following API:

/** @type {Promise<string>} */
const promise ='');

Calling this API is same as clicking audio/video icon on chat window. That means, it might fail if
audio/video chat is not available. The returned promise will reject with error string when failed.
Following are possible error strings rejected by promise:

  • webrtc_not_supported: brorwser of either agent or visitor does not support WebRTC.
  • audio_video_chatting: visitor is either audio chatting or video chatting.
  • frequency_limited: number of messages sent out by visitor during a certain period of time has
    reached upper limitation, cannot send out further message at the moment.
  • audio_not_enabled: audio chat is not enabled in this campaign
  • video_not_enabled: video chat is not enabled in this campaign
  • not_chatting: visitor is currently not chatting

Following are available events that can be listened to when audio/video chat status changed:

Request of Audio/Video Chat:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });
Comm100API.on('', function () { });

Refuse of Audio/Video Chat:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });
Comm100API.on('', function () { });

Start of Audio/Video Chat:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });
Comm100API.on('', function () { });

Stop of Audio/Video Chat:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });
Comm100API.on('', function () { });

Cancel of Audio/Video Chat request:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });
Comm100API.on('', function () { });

Audio/Video Chat request has not been answered:

Comm100API.on('', function () { });
Comm100API.on('', function () { });

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