  • 01 Dec 2022
  • 25 Minutes to read
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Article summary


Cube is a virtual Entity. A report page may use multiple fields in multiple cube entities. There is a specific example of obtaining chat volume report on report document.

In the lower part of this page, we list all cubes and all fields corresponding to the cube.

Cube JSON Format

Cube is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

!namestringName of this cube
fieldsfield[]Reference to Field

Field JSON Format:

!namestringName of the Field
typestringAllowed values are "string", "datetime", "reference", "decimal", "json", "int", "bool", "smallInt", "timespan", "guid", "selfIncreasingInt", "calculation"

Cube With Fields List

Cube Chat Fields:

IdintId of the chat.
GuidguidGuid of the chat.
SessionIdreferenceId of the session.
Session.IdguidId of the session.
Session.IPstringIP of the visitor.
Session.ReferrerURLstringThe rest part of the URL will be abandoned if the URL is too long.
Session.KeywordsstringKeywords of the visitor used to search for your website.
Session.BrowserstringBrowser the visitor is using.
Session.LanguagestringLanguage the visitor is using.
Session.ScreenResolutionstringScreen resolution of the visitor's device.
Session.OperatorSystemstringOperating system of the visitor's device.
Session.TimeZonesmallIntTime zone of the visitor.
Session.LandingPageURLstringURL of the first page of your website the visitor visited.
Session.LandingPageTitlestringTitle of the first page of your website the visitor visited.
Session.StartTimedatetimeTime when the session started.
Session.VisitorIdguidId of the visitor.
Session.ContactIdentityIdguidId of the contact identity.
Session.SearchEngineIdguidId of the search engine the visitor used to search for your website.
Session.CitystringCity of the visitor.
Session.StatestringState of the visitor.
Session.CountryOrRegionstringCountry or region of the visitor.
Session.IsDeletedboolWhether the session is deleted or not.
StartTimedatetimeTime when the chat started.
EndTimedatetimeTime when the chat ended.
IsQueuedboolWhether the chat is queued or not.
IfAudioChatHappenedboolWhether the chat happened audio chat or not.
IfVideoChatHappenedboolWhether the chat happened video chat or not.
StatussmallIntAllowed values are "normal", "refused", "missed", "switchedToMessage".
MessagesstringMessages of the chat.
RequestingPageTitlestringPage title of the requesting page.
RequestingPageURLstringPage URL of the requesting page.
SourcesmallIntAllowed values are "chatButton", "autoInvitation", "manualInvitation".
AutoInvitationIdreferenceId of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.IdguidId of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.NamestringName of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.IsEnabledstringWhether auto invitation is enabled or not.
AutoInvitation.CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
AutoInvitation.Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
AutoInvitation.Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
PreChatSocialMediaSourcesmallIntAllowed values are "none", "facebook".
PreChatSocialProfileURLstringPre-chat social profile URL of the chat.
PreChatNamestringPre-chat name of the chat.
PreChatEmailstringPre-chat email of the chat.
PreChatPhonestringPre-chat phone of the chat.
PreChatCompanystringPre-chat company of the chat.
PreChatProductServicestringPre-chat product service of the chat.
DepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
Department.IdguidId of deparmtent.
Department.NamestringName of deparmtent.
RequestedTimedatetimeTime when the chat was requested.
AvgResponseTimeintAverage response time of the chat.
VisitorMessagesCountintThe number of messages sent by visitors.
AgentMessagesCountintThe number of messages sent by agents.
CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
WaitingTimeintWaiting time of the chat.
DurationintDuration of the chat.
CannedMessageCountintThe number of canned messages sent during the chat.
BotDurationintBot duration of the chat.
AgentDurationintAgent duration of the chat.
LastMessageSentBysmallIntAllowed values are "visitor", "agent", "chatBot", "system".
BotIdreferenceId of the bot.
Bot.IdguidId of the chatbot.
Bot.NamestringName of the chatbot.
ChatTypesmallIntAllowed values are "agentOnly", "chatBotOnly", "fromBotToAgent", "fromBotToOfflineMessage", "waitingToOfflineMessage", "queuingToOfflineMessage".
PreChatTicketIdintPre-chat ticket Id of the chat.
IsDeletedboolWhether the chat is deleted or not.
OfflineMessageGuidguidGuid of the offline message.
VisitorIdguidId of the visitor.
ContactIdentityIdguidId of the contact identity.
Skill.IdguidId of the skill.
Skill.NamestringName of the visitor.
PostChatSurvey.RatingGradesmallIntAllowed values are "1", "2", "3", "4", "5".
PostChatSurvey.RatingCommentstringRating comment of the post chat.
PostChatSurvey.SubmitTimedatetimeTime when the post chat was submitted.
PostChatSurvey.ChatIdreferenceId of the chat.
PostChatSurvey.IsDeletedboolWhether the post chat survey is deleted or not.
ChatWrapup.CommentstringComment of the chat wrap-up.
ChatWrapup.LastUpdatedTimedatetimeLast updated time of the chat wrap-up.
ChatWrapup.AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
ChatWrapup.Agent.IdguidId of agent.
ChatWrapup.Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
ChatWrapup.Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
ChatWrapup.Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
ChatWrapup.Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
ChatWrapup.ChatIdreferenceId of the chat.
ChatWrapup.IsDeletedboolWhether the chat wrap-up is deleted or not.
ChatAgent.AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
ChatAgent.Agent.IdguidId of agent.
ChatAgent.Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
ChatAgent.Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
ChatAgent.Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
ChatAgent.Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
ChatAgent.StartTimedatetimeTime when the chat started.
ChatAgent.EndTimedatetimeTime when the chat ended.
ChatAgent.DurationintDuration of the chat.
ChatAgent.ChatIdreferenceId of the chat.
ChatAgent.IsDeletedboolWhether the chat agent is deleted or not.
ChatFieldResult.IdintId of chat field result.
ChatFieldResult.FormTypesmallIntAllowed values are "preChat", "offlineMessage", "postChat", "wrapUp", "pciForm", "customVariable".
ChatFieldResult.FieldIdreferenceId of the field.
ChatFieldResult.Field.IdguidId of the field.
ChatFieldResult.Field.IsSystemstringWhether the field is system field or not.
ChatFieldResult.Field.NamestringName of the field.
ChatFieldResult.Field.TypesmallIntAllowed values are "text", "textArea", "radioBox", "checkBox", "dropdownList", "checkboxList", "nps", "attachment", "rating", "checkboxListOptionGroups", "category", "comment".
ChatFieldResult.FieldNamestringName of the field.
ChatFieldResult.ValuestringValue of the chat field result.
ChatFieldResult.UrlstringURL of the chat field result.
ChatFieldResult.ChatIdreferenceId of the chat.
ChatFieldResult.IsDeletedboolWhether the chat field result is deleted or not.
ChatSegmentResult.IdintId of the chat segment result.
ChatSegmentResult.SegmentIdreferenceId of the segment.
ChatSegmentResult.Segment.IdguidId of the segment.
ChatSegmentResult.Segment.NamestringName of the segment.
ChatSegmentResult.Segment.IsEnabledstringWhether segment is enabled or not.
ChatSegmentResult.LogTimedatetimeLog time of the chat segment result.
ChatSegmentResult.ChatIdreferenceId of the chat.
ChatSegmentResult.IsDeletedboolWhether the chat segment field result is deleted or not.
ChatWrapupCategory.IdintId of the chat wrapup category.
ChatWrapupCategory.ChatIdreferenceId of the chat.
ChatWrapupCategory.CategoryOptionIdreferenceId of the wrap-up category option.
ChatWrapupCategory.CategoryOption.IdguidId of the wrap-up category option.
ChatWrapupCategory.CategoryOption.NamestringName of the wrap-up category option.
ChatWrapupCategory.CategoryOption.GroupIdreferenceId of the wrapup category group which the wrapup category option belongs to.
ChatWrapupCategory.IsDeletedboolWhether the chat wrap-up catagory is deleted or not.
CobrowseHistory.IdintId of the cobrowse history.
CobrowseHistory.StartTimedatetimeTime when the co-browsing started.
CobrowseHistory.EndTimedatetimeTime when the co-browsing ended.
CobrowseHistory.VisitorIdguidId of the visitor.
CobrowseHistory.ChatIdreferenceId of the chat.
CobrowseHistory.AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
CobrowseHistory.Agent.IdguidId of agent.
CobrowseHistory.Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
CobrowseHistory.Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
CobrowseHistory.StatusintAllowed values are "notCompleted", "completed".
CobrowseHistory.SessionCodestringSession code of the co-browsing history.

Cube OfflineMessage Fields:

IdintId of the offline message.
GuidguidGuid of the offline message.
SessionIdreferenceId of the session.
Session.IdguidId of the session.
Session.IPstringIP of the visitor.
Session.ReferrerURLstringThe rest part of the URL will be abandoned if the URL is too long.
Session.KeywordsstringKeywords of the visitor used to search for your website.
Session.BrowserstringBrowser the visitor is using.
Session.LanguagestringLanguage the visitor is using.
Session.ScreenResolutionstringScreen resolution of the visitor's device.
Session.OperatorSystemstringOperating system of the visitor's device.
Session.TimeZonesmallIntTime zone of the visitor.
Session.LandingPageURLstringURL of the first page of your website the visitor visited.
Session.LandingPageTitlestringTitle of the first page of your website the visitor visited.
Session.StartTimedatetimeTime when the session started.
Session.VisitorIdguidId of the visitor.
Session.ContactIdentityIdguidId of the contact identity.
Session.SearchEngineIdguidId of the search engine the visitor used to search for your website.
Session.CitystringCity of the visitor.
Session.StatestringState of the visitor.
Session.CountryOrRegionstringCountry or region of the visitor.
Session.IsDeletedboolWhether the session is deleted or not.
CreatedTimedatetimeCreated time of the offline message.
NamestringName of the visitor.
EmailstringEmail of the visitor.
PhonestringPhone of the visitor.
CompanystringCompany of the visitor.
DepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
Department.IdguidId of deparmtent.
Department.NamestringName of deparmtent.
AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
Agent.IdguidId of agent.
Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
SubjectstringSubject of the offline message.
MessagestringContent of the offline message.
RequestingPageTitlestringRequest page title of the offline message.
RequestingPageURLstringRequest page URL of the offline message.
SourcesmallIntAllowed values are "chatButton", "autoInvitation", "manualInvitation", "bot", "queue".
CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
AutoInvitationIdreferenceId of the autoinvitation.
AutoInvitation.IdguidId of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.NamestringName of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.IsEnabledstringWhether auto invitation is enabled or not.
AutoInvitation.CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
AutoInvitation.Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
AutoInvitation.Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
TicketIdintId of the ticket.
AttachmentFileKeystringAttachment file key of the offline message.
IsDeletedboolWhether the offline message is deleted or not.
AttachmentFileNamestringAttachment file name of the offline message.
VisitorIdguidId of the visitor.
ContactIdentityIdguidId of the contact identity.
ChatGuidguidGuid of the chat.
Skill.IdguidId of the skill.
Skill.NamestringName of the visitor.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.IdintId of the offline message field result.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.FormTypesmallIntAllowed values are "preChat", "offlineMessage", "postChat", "wrapUp", "pciForm", "customVariable".
OfflineMessageFieldResult.FieldIdreferenceId of the field.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.Field.IdguidId of the field.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.Field.IsSystemstringWhether the field is system field or not.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.Field.NamestringName of the field.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.Field.TypesmallIntAllowed values are "text", "textArea", "radioBox", "checkBox", "dropdownList", "checkboxList", "nps", "attachment", "rating", "checkboxListOptionGroups", "category", "comment".
OfflineMessageFieldResult.FieldNamestringName of the field.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.ValuestringValue of the offline message field result.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.UrlstringURL of the offline message field result.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.OfflineMessageIdreferenceId of the offline message.
OfflineMessageFieldResult.IsDeletedboolWhether the offline message field result is deleted or not.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.IdintId of the offline message segment result.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.SegmentIdreferenceId of the segment.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.Segment.IdguidId of the segment.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.Segment.NamestringName of the segment.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.Segment.IsEnabledstringWhether segment is enabled or not.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.LogTimedatetimeLog time of the offline message segment result.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.OfflineMessageIdreferenceId of the offline message.
OfflineMessageSegmentResult.IsDeletedboolWhether the offline message segment result is deleted or not.

Cube AgentPrivateMessage Fields:

IdintId of the agent private message.
FromAgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
FromAgent.IdguidId of agent.
FromAgent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
FromAgent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
FromAgent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
FromAgent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
ToAgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
ToAgent.IdguidId of agent.
ToAgent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
ToAgent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
ToAgent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
ToAgent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
ContentstringConente of the message.
IsDeletedboolWhether the transfer log is deleted or not.

Cube ManualInvitationLog Fields:

IdintId of the manual invitation log.
AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
Agent.IdguidId of agent.
Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
SentTimedatetimeSend time of the manual invitation.
StatussmallIntAllowed values are "sent", "accepted","refused".
MessagestringThe default manual invitation message.
IsDeletedboolWhether the manual invitation log is deleted or not.

Cube AutoInvitationStatistics Fields:

IdintId of the auto invitation statistics.
CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
AutoInvitationIdreferenceId of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.IdguidId of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.NamestringName of the auto invitation.
AutoInvitation.IsEnabledstringWhether auto invitation is enabled or not.
AutoInvitation.CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
AutoInvitation.Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
AutoInvitation.Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
SentNumintThe number of auto invitations sent to visitors.
AcceptNumintThe number of auto invitations accepted by visitors.
RefuseNumintThe number of auto invitations refused by visitors.
LogTimedatetimeLog time of the auto invitation statistics.
IsDeletedboolWhether the auto invitation statistics is deleted or not.

Cube VisitsStatistics Fields:

IdintId of the visits statistics.
CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
LogTimedatetimeLog time of the visits statistics.
VisitCountintVisit count of the visits statistics.
IsDeletedboolWhether the visits statistics is deleted or not.

Cube QueueStatistics Fields:

IdintId of the queue statistics.
TypeintAllowed values are "site", "department".
DepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
Department.IdguidId of deparmtent.
Department.NamestringName of deparmtent.
QueueLengthintQueue length of the queue statistics.
TimedatetimeTime of the queue statistics.
IsDeletedboolWhether the queue statistics is deleted or not.

Cube ConversionLog Fields:

IdintId of the conversion log.
ConversionActionIdreferenceId of the conversion action.
ConversionAction.IdguidId of the conversion action.
ConversionAction.IsEnabledstringWhether conversion action is enabled or not.
ConversionAction.NamestringName of the conversion action.
DepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
Department.IdguidId of deparmtent.
Department.NamestringName of deparmtent.
AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
Agent.IdguidId of agent.
Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
AppendInfostringAppend info of the conversion log.
ConversionValuedecimalValue assigned for the conversion action.
CreatedTimedatetimeCreated time of the conversion log.
VisitorIdguidId of the visitor.
ChatGuidguidGuid of the chat.
IsDeletedboolWhether the conversion log is deleted or not.

Cube TransferLog Fields:

IdintId of the transfer log.
ChatGuidguidGuid of the chat.
TimedatetimeTime of the transfer log.
TransferTypesmallIntAllowed values are "agent", "department".
AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
Agent.IdguidId of agent.
Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
FromAgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
FromAgent.IdguidId of agent.
FromAgent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
FromAgent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
FromAgent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
FromAgent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
ToAgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
ToAgent.IdguidId of agent.
ToAgent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
ToAgent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
ToAgent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
ToAgent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
FromDepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
FromDepartment.IdguidId of deparmtent.
FromDepartment.NamestringName of deparmtent.
ToDepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
ToDepartment.IdguidId of deparmtent.
ToDepartment.NamestringName of deparmtent.
IsDeletedboolWhether the transfer log is deleted or not.

Cube ChatbotDetectIntentRecord Fields:

IdguidId of the chatbot detect intent record.
ChatbotIdreferenceId of the chatbot.
Chatbot.IdguidId of the chatbot.
Chatbot.NamestringName of the chatbot.
QuestionstringQuestion of the intent.
ChannelIdstringId of the channel.
ChatIdguidId of the chat.
ConversationIdguidId of the conversion.
IntentIdreferenceId of the intent.
Intent.IdguidId of the chatbot intent.
Intent.NamestringName of the chatbot intent.
Intent.ChatbotIntentCategoryIdreferenceId of the chatbot intent category.
Intent.ChatbotIntentCategory.IdguidId of the chatbot intent category.
Intent.ChatbotIntentCategory.NamestringName of the chatbot intent category.
ScoredecimalScore of the intent.
CampaignIdreferenceId of the campaign.
Campaign.IdguidId of the campaign.
Campaign.NamestringName of the campaign.
ChannelAccountIdguidId of the channel account.
AnswerTypesmallIntType of the answer.
SourceTypesmallIntType of the source.
CreatedTimedatetimeTime when the chatbot detect intent record was created.
IsDeletedboolWhether the chatbot detect intent record is deleted or not.
ChatbotRatingRecord.IdguidId of the chatbot rating record.
ChatbotRatingRecord.ChatbotDetectIntentRecordIdreferenceId of the chatbot detect intent record.
ChatbotRatingRecord.RateTypesmallIntType of the chatbot rating.
ChatbotRatingRecord.IsDeletedboolWhether the chatbot rating record is deleted or not.

Cube QueueLog Fields:

IdintId of the queue log.
DepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
Department.IdguidId of deparmtent.
Department.NamestringName of deparmtent.
NumberOfQueueintThe number of queue.
LogTimedatetimeLog time of the queue log.

Cube CannedMessageUseRecord Fields:

IdguidId of canned message usage record.
CreatedTimedatetimeTime when the canned message usage record was created.
CannedMessageIdreferenceId of canned message.
CannedMessage.IdguidId of public canned message.
CannedMessage.NamestringName of public canned message.
CannedMessage.CategoryIdreferenceId of public canned message category.
CannedMessage.Category.IdguidId of public canned message category.
CannedMessage.Category.NamestringName of public canned message category.
AgentIdreferenceId of agent.
Agent.IdguidId of agent.
Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
TicketIdintId of ticket.
ModuleIdstringId of module.
ChatIdguidId of chat.
IsDeletedboolWhether the canned message useage record is deleted or not.

Cube AgentLoginRecord Fields:

IdguidId of agent login record.
AgentIdreferenceId of agent.
Agent.IdguidId of agent.
Agent.IsAdminstringWhether the agent is an administrator or not.
Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
LoginIpdecimalIP of the logged-in agent.
LoginTimedatetimeTime When the agent is logging.
IsDeletedboolWhether the agent login record is deleted or not.

Cube VisitorLoginRecord Fields:

IdguidId of the visitor login record.
VisitorIdguidId of the visitor.
LoginIpdecimalIP of the logged-in vistor.
LoginTimedatetimeTime When the vistor is logging.
IsDeletedboolWhether the vistor login record is deleted or not.

Cube TaskbotTriggerRecord Fields:

IdguidId of the taskbot trigger record.
TaskbotIdreferenceId of the taskbot.
Taskbot.IdguidId of the taskbot.
Taskbot.NamestringName of the taskbot.
TaskbotVersionIdguidVersion id of the taskbot.
ChatIdguidId of the chat.
TriggerByTypesmallIntType of the trigger by.
TriggerByguidId of the trigger by.
StartTimedatetimeStart time of the time range.
IsDeletedboolWhether the taskbot trigger record is deleted or not.
TaskbotActionRecord.IdguidId of the taskbot action record.
TaskbotActionRecord.TaskbotTriggerRecordIdreferenceId of the taskbot trigger record.
TaskbotActionRecord.TaskbotActionIdguidId of the taskbot action.
TaskbotActionRecord.TriggeredTimedatetimeTime when the taskbot action was triggered.
TaskbotActionRecord.PathstringPath of the taskbot action record.
TaskbotActionRecord.IsDeletedboolWhether the taskbot action record is deleted or not.
TaskbotEndRecord.IdguidId of the taskbot end record.
TaskbotEndRecord.TaskbotTriggerRecordIdreferenceId of the taskbot trigger record.
TaskbotEndRecord.EndTimedatetimeTime when the taskbot end record.
TaskbotEndRecord.EndTypesmallIntType of the taskbot end record.
TaskbotEndRecord.IsDeletedboolWhether the taskbot end record is deleted or not.

Cube ChatbotActionRecord Fields:

Chatbot.IdguidId of the chatbot.
Chatbot.NamestringName of the chatbot.

Cube SentimentRecord Fields:


Cube VoicebotDetectIntentRecord Fields:


Cube Ticket Fields:

IdintId of the ticket.
ReplyingAgentsmallIntIndicates what type of response the ticket has. Allowed values are "noReply", "agentOnly", "botOnly", "agentAndBot".
CreatedTimedatetimeTime when the ticket was created.
AssigneeIdreferenceId of agent or chatbot that the ticket is assigned to.
AssigneeAgent.IdguidId of agent.
AssigneeAgent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
AssigneeAgent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
AssigneeAgent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
AssigneeChatbot.IdguidId of the chatbot.
AssigneeChatbot.NamestringName of the chatbot.
StatussmallIntStatus of the ticket. Enum: 0: New. 1: Pending Internal. 2: Pending External. 3: On Hold. 4: Resolved.
AssigneeTypesmallIntType of the ticket assignee. Enum: 1: Agent. 5: Chatbot.
ResolvedTimedatetimeResloved time of the ticket.
MergedToTargetIdintId of the ticket that it was merged to.
DepartmentAssigneeIdreferenceId of department that the ticket is assigned to.
DepartmentAssignee.IdguidId of deparmtent.
DepartmentAssignee.NamestringName of deparmtent.
ChannelIdreferenceId of the channel of the first message of the ticket.
Channel.IdstringId of the channel.
Channel.NamestringName of the channel.
ChannelAccountIdreferenceId of the channel account of the first message of the ticket.
ChannelAccount.IdguidId of the channel account.
ChannelAccount.NamestringName of the channel account.
ChannelAccount.AppIdstringId of the channel app which the channel account belongs to. Allowed values are "Email","Facebook","Facebook","Twitter","WeChat","WeChat","WhatsApp" exc.
ReopenedTimedatetimeTime when the resolved ticket was reopened.
IsInRecycleBinboolWhether the ticket is in recyle bin or not.
PrioritysmallIntPriority of the ticket. Enum: 1: Urgent. 2: High. 3: Normal. 4: Low.
FirstResponseTimeSpanintTime it took for the agent to send the first response after a ticket is created.
ResponseTimeSpanintTotal amount of time the status of the ticket was pending internal.
ResponseCountintNumber of replies.
ResolvedTimeSpanintTotal time it took to resolve the ticket.
LastMessageChannel.IdstringId of the last message channel.
LastMessageChannel.NamestringName of the last message channel.
LastMessageChannelAccount.IdguidId of the last message channel account.
LastMessageChannelAccount.NamestringName of the last message channel account.
LastMessageChannelAccount.AppIdstringApp id of the last message channel account.
LastUpdatedTimedatetimeLast time of the ticket update.
LastStatusChangedTimedatetimeLast time of the ticket change status.
LastRepliedTimedatetimeLast time of the ticket relied.
Message.IdguidId of the message.
Message.TicketIdreferenceId of the ticket which the message belongs to.
Message.SentByTypesmallIntRole of the sender. Enum: 1:Agent. 3:Contact. 4:Visitor. 5: Chatbot. 6: ChannelAccount. 7: System.
Message.ChannelIdguidName of the message channel.
Message.TimedatetimeTime when the message was created.
TicketSLA.IdguidId of the SLA.
TicketSLA.TicketIdreferenceId of the ticket which the SLA belongs to.
TicketSLA.SlaPolicyIdreferenceId of the SLA Policy.
TicketSLA.SlaPolicy.IdguidId of the SLA Policy.
TicketSLA.SlaPolicy.NamestringName of the SLA Policy.
TicketSLA.FirstRespondBreachStatussmallIntBreach status for first response. Enum: 0: Agent didn't take action(reply or resolve), and didn't breach the sla policy. 1:Agent has taken action, and didn't breach the sla policy. 2: Agent didn't take action, and has breached the sla policy. 3: Agent has taken action, and has breached the sla policy. 4: Agent has taken action, but ignore the breach status.
TicketSLA.FirstRespondDurationintHow long does it take the first response to be sent.
TicketSLA.NextRespondBreachCountintNumber of tickets whose next responses were sent within the SLA.
TicketSLA.NextRespondCountintNumber of tickets whose next responses breach the SLA.
TicketSLA.NextRespondDurationintHow long does it take the next response to be sent.
TicketSLA.NextRespondBreachStatussmallIntBreach status for next response. Enum: 0: Agent didn't take action(reply or resolve), and didn't breach the sla policy. 1:Agent has taken action, and didn't breach the sla policy. 2: Agent didn't take action, and has breached the sla policy. 3: Agent has taken action, and has breached the sla policy. 4: Agent has taken action, but ignore the breach status.
TicketSLA.ResolveTimeBreachStatussmallIntBreach status for resolving. Enum: 0: Agent didn't take action(reply or resolve), and didn't breach the sla policy. 1:Agent has taken action, and didn't breach the sla policy. 2: Agent didn't take action, and has breached the sla policy. 3: Agent has taken action, and has breached the sla policy. 4: Agent has taken action, but ignore the breach status.
TicketSLA.ResolvedDurationintHow long does it take a ticket to be resolved.
TicketTagRelation.Tag.IdintId of tag.
TicketTagRelation.Tag.NameintName of tag.

Cube Message Fields:

IdguidId of the message.
TicketIdintId of the ticket which the message belongs to.
SentByTypesmallIntRole of the sender. Enum: 1:Agent. 3:Contact. 4:Visitor. 5: Chatbot. 6: ChannelAccount. 7: System.
TimedatetimeTime when the message was created.

Cube TicketSLA Fields:

IdguidId of the SLA.
TicketIdintId of the ticket which the SLA belongs to.
SlaPolicyIdreferenceId of the SLA Policy.
SlaPolicy.IdguidId of the SLA Policy.
SlaPolicy.NamestringName of the SLA Policy.
FirstRespondBreachStatussmallIntBreach status for first response. Enum: 0: Agent didn't take action(reply or resolve), and didn't breach the sla policy. 1:Agent has taken action, and didn't breach the sla policy. 2: Agent didn't take action, and has breached the sla policy. 3: Agent has taken action, and has breached the sla policy. 4: Agent has taken action, but ignore the breach status.
FirstRespondDurationintHow long does it take the first response to be sent.
NextRespondBreachCountintNumber of tickets whose next responses were sent within the SLA.
NextRespondCountintNumber of tickets whose next responses breach the SLA.
NextRespondDurationintHow long does it take the next response to be sent.
NextRespondBreachStatussmallIntBreach status for next response. Enum: 0: Agent didn't take action(reply or resolve), and didn't breach the sla policy. 1:Agent has taken action, and didn't breach the sla policy. 2: Agent didn't take action, and has breached the sla policy. 3: Agent has taken action, and has breached the sla policy. 4: Agent has taken action, but ignore the breach status.
ResolveTimeBreachStatussmallIntBreach status for resolving. Enum: 0: Agent didn't take action(reply or resolve), and didn't breach the sla policy. 1:Agent has taken action, and didn't breach the sla policy. 2: Agent didn't take action, and has breached the sla policy. 3: Agent has taken action, and has breached the sla policy. 4: Agent has taken action, but ignore the breach status.
ResolvedDurationintHow long does it take a ticket to be resolved.

Cube TaskbotCollectedInfo Fields:

IdguidId of the current item.
TaskbotIdreferenceId of the taskbot.
Taskbot.IdguidId of the taskbot.
Taskbot.NamestringName of the taskbot.
CreatedTimedatetimeTime of the current item created.
Chatbot.IdguidId of the chatbot.
Chatbot.NamestringName of the chatbot.

Cube TaskbotBookedCalendlyMeeting Fields:

IdguidId of the current Calendly Meeting.
TaskbotIdreferenceId of the taskbot.
Taskbot.IdguidId of the taskbot.
Taskbot.NamestringName of the taskbot.
MeetingBookedTimedatetimeTime of the meeting booked.
Chatbot.IdguidId of the chatbot.
Chatbot.NamestringName of the chatbot.

Cube AgentStatusLog Fields:

IdguidId of the agent status log.
AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.
Agent.IdguidId of agent.
Agent.DisplayNamestringDifferent Agents can have the same Display Name. If not display name given, will be set by both first name and last name.
Agent.FirstNamestringFirst name of the agent.
Agent.LastNamestringLast name of the agent.
DepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
Department.IdguidId of deparmtent.
Department.NamestringName of deparmtent.
StartTimedatetimeTime when the agent status started.
StatusguidAllowed values are "online", "away" "chat".
CustomAwayIdguidId of the custom away satus.
LoggedInTimetimespanTotal logged-in time of the agent.
LinearChatTimetimespanTotal linear chat time of the agent.
OnlineTimetimespanTotal online time of the agent.
AwayTimetimespanTotal away time of the agent.
IdleTimetimespanTotal idle time of the agent.
DepartmentAgentRelation.DepartmentIdreferenceId of the department.
DepartmentAgentRelation.AgentIdreferenceId of the agent.

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