- 03 Dec 2024
- 17 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
- Updated on 03 Dec 2024
- 17 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
- Chats ManageGET livechat/chats/{id}
- Get a single ChatPOST livechat/chats/{id}:AttachToTicket
- Attach to TicketPOST livechat/chats:Search
- Search ChatsPOST livechat/missedAndRefusedChats:Search
- Search Missed & Refused ChatsPUT livechat/chats/{id}
- Update the Chat TicketDELETE livechat/chats
- Batch Delete ChatsDELETE livechat/chats/{id}
- Delete a Single Chat
Chat Wrapup Categories
- Chat Wrapup Categories ManageGET livechat/chatWrapupCategories
- Get the list of Chat Wrapup CategoriesGET livechat/chatWrapupCategories/{id}
- Get a single Chat Wrapup CategoryPOST livechat/chats/{id}/ChatWrapupCategories
- Update Chat Wrapup Category
Chat Wrapup
- Chat Wrapup Comment ManagePOST livechat/chats/{id}/chatWrapups
- Create the Chat WrapupPUT livechat/chats/{id}/chatWrapup
- Update the Chat Wrapup
Chat Field Results
- Chat Wrapup Field Results ManagePOST livechat/chatFieldResults
- Update Chat Wrapup Field Results
Chat JSON Format
Chat is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | Id of the chat. |
sessionId | guid | Id of the session. |
startTime | datetime | Time when the chat started. |
endTime | datetime | Time when the chat ended. |
isQueued | bool | Whether the chat is queued or not. |
ifAudioChatHappened | bool | Whether audio chat happened during the live chat session or not. |
ifVideoChatHappened | bool | Whether video chat happened during the live chat session or not. |
status | string | Allowed values are 0("normal"), 1("refused"), 2("missed"). |
messages | string | Messages of the chat. |
requestingPageTitle | string | Page title of the requesting page. |
requestingPageURL | string | Page URL of the requesting page. |
source | string | Allowed values are 0("chatButton"), 1("autoInvitation"), 2("manualInvitation"). |
autoInvitationId | guid | Id of the auto invitation. |
preChatSocialMediaSource | integer | Allowed values are 0("none"), 1("facebook"). |
preChatSocialProfileURL | string | Pre-chat social profile URL of the chat. |
preChatName | string | Pre-chat name of the chat. |
preChatEmail | string | Pre-chat email of the chat. |
preChatPhone | string | Pre-chat phone of the chat. |
preChatCompany | string | Pre-chat company of the chat. |
preChatProductService | string | Pre-chat product service of the chat. |
preChatTicketId | integer | Id of the ticket to which this chat is attached. |
departmentId | guid | Id of the department. |
skillId | guid | Id of the skill. |
requestedTime | datetime | The time when the chat is requested. |
avgResponseTime | float | The average response time of the chat. |
visitorMessagesCount | integer | The number of messages sent by visitors. |
agentMessagesCount | integer | The number of messages sent by agents. |
campaignId | guid | Id of the campaign. |
waitingTime | integer | The waiting time before the chat got accepted/missed. |
duration | integer | The duration of the chat. |
cannedMessageCount | integer | The number of canned messages sent during the chat. |
botDuration | integer | The bot duration of the chat. |
agentDuration | integer | The agent duration of the chat. |
lastMessageSentBy | string | Allowed values are 0("visitor"), 1("agent"), 2("system"), 3("chatBot"). |
botId | guid | Id of the bot. |
guid | guid | Guid of the chat. |
visitorId | guid | Id of the visitor. |
contactIdentityId | guid | Id of the contact identity. |
chatAgents | chatAgents[] | Reference to . |
chatType | string | Type of the chat. 0("agentOnly"), 1("chatBotOnly"), 2("fromBotToAgent"), 3("chatBot"), 4("fromBottoOfflineMessage"), 32("taskBotOnly") |
Chat Agent JSON Format:
Name | Type | Description |
chatId | integer | Id of the chat. |
agentId | guid | Id of the agent. |
startTime | datetime | Time when the chat started. |
endTime | datetime | Time when the chat ended. |
duration | integer | Duration of the chat. |
id | integer | Content of the custom page. |
Chat Field Result JSON Format
Chat Field Result is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
id | selfIncrementId | Id of the chat field result. |
chatId | integer | Id of the chat which the chat field result belongs to. |
formType | string | Form field type of the chat field result.Allowed values are "preChat", "offlineMessage", "postChat", "wrapUp", "pciForm", "customVariable". |
fieldId | guid | Id of the field which the chat field result belongs to. |
fieldName | string | Name of the field which the chat field result belongs to. |
value | string | Value of the chat field result. |
url | string | Url of the chat field result. |
Get a single Chat
GET livechat/chats/{id}
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
include | string | query | no | Available values for Include are: "autoInvitation", "campaign", "chatAgent", "chatChatbotMap","chatAttachment", "chatFieldResult", "chatSegmentResult", "chatWrapup", "chatWrapupCategory", "contactIdentity", "department", "postChatSurvey", "session", "skill", "visitor". |
id | integer or guid | path | yes | Id of the chat or Guid of the chat. |
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats/4875 \
-X 'GET' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": 4875,
"guid": "2efc01b2-b7c1-40a9-b049-b0db9fbc4dbc",
"sessionId": "f8383a83-48e9-4d0d-a3bd-fb19ce5c12db",
"visitorId": "e11203f5-1d97-4c48-8fc2-fc6257d4e13b",
"contactIdentityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"startTime": "2021-04-27T07:50:28.753Z",
"endTime": "2021-04-27T08:01:29.003Z",
"status": "normal",
"requestingPageTitle": "Preview",
"requestingPageURL": "https://dash11.comm100.io/frontEnd/assets/livechat/previewpage/?campaignId=bd8fc603-6d63-49e2-b594-db015c221b40&siteId=10000&q=1619509862473",
"preChatSocialMediaSource": 0,
"preChatSocialProfileURL": "",
"preChatName": "1",
"preChatEmail": "1@1.com",
"preChatProductService": "",
"preChatPhone": "",
"preChatCompany": "",
"preChatTicketId": -1,
"departmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"skillId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requestedTime": "2021-04-27T07:50:28.7533333Z",
"offlineMessageId": 0,
"avgResponseTime": 6.0,
"visitorMessagesCount": 1,
"agentMessagesCount": 4,
"campaignId": "bd8fc603-6d63-49e2-b594-db015c221b40",
"lastMessageSentBy": "agent",
"duration": "00:11:00",
"source": "chatButton",
"waitingTime": "00:00:00",
"autoInvitationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"botDuration": "00:00:00",
"agentDuration": "00:11:00",
"botId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"chatType": "agentOnly",
"messages": [
"chatAction": "agentAcceptChat",
"message": "Agent may1 may has joined the chat.",
"senderType": "system",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T07:50:29Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "visitorAddTextMessage",
"message": "13",
"senderType": "visitor",
"senderName": "1",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:00:15Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "123",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:00:21Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "1223",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:00:23Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendNoteText",
"message": "hello",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:01Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendNoteText",
"message": "hello",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:03Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "12321",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:12Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendNoteFile",
"message": "Agent may1 may has sent a file: Chats_20210305 (5).csv",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "https://api11.comm100.io/FileService/v1/files/H7UXY7FigsxUUInQBoKTqn4QYq9yanARl5jD2iZzSD-ZZQm_A4X_QhFkvatVYg9ljsmPfllZ6LAF0JkxfJoiSAqko0HU35tUkKqTJlmltzUAb2-scyNlY7Z7EvRyJsYpDZIOgscGydXov-X3zJ6vtzB51_fEGdnrEhbrBXwI9pww?Chats_20210305 (5).csv?may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:20Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": "H7UXY7FigsxUUInQBoKTqn4QYq9yanARl5jD2iZzSD-ZZQm_A4X_QhFkvatVYg9ljsmPfllZ6LAF0JkxfJoiSAqko0HU35tUkKqTJlmltzUAb2-scyNlY7Z7EvRyJsYpDZIOgscGydXov-X3zJ6vtzB51_fEGdnrEhbrBXwI9pww"
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "31232312",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:23Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentEndChat",
"message": "Agent may1 may has left the chat.",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:29Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "systemEndChat",
"message": "The chat is ended.",
"senderType": "system",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:29Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
Attach to Ticket
POST livechat/chats/{id}:AttachToTicket
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
id | int | path | yes | Id of the chat. |
utcOffset | int | body | no | UTC Offset of the user. |
targetId | integer | body | yes | Id of the ticket to which this chat is attached. |
dateTimeFormat | string | body | no | Datetime format of the user. |
No Content
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats/1:AttachToTicket \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"targetId":"2858","utcOffset":-420,"datetimeFormat":"YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Search Chats
POST livechat/chats:Search
Name | Type | in | Required | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
include | string | query | no | Available values for Include are: "autoInvitation", "campaign", "chatAgent", "chatAttachment", "chatFieldResult", "chatSegmentResult", "chatWrapup", "chatWrapupCategory", "contactIdentity", "department", "postChatSurvey", "session", "skill", "visitor". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pageIndex | integer | query | no | Page index. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
filters | array | body | no | Filter array. Available items are: requestedTime, departmentId, skillId, agent, chatChatbotMap.botId, categoryOptionId, keywords and other custom filters.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pageSize | integer | query | no | Page size. The available value is from 10 to 500, and the default value is 50. |
An array of Chat
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats:search \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"filters":[{"name":"requestedTime","operator":"is","value":["2021-04-01T00:00:00+08:00","2021-05-09T00:00:00+08:00"]},{"name":"keywords","operator":"is","value":["file"]},{"name":"departmentId","operator":"is","value":["397eed79-f3a3-4d7c-ab9b-29c78e5bf152"]},{"name":"skillId","operator":"is","value":["6908B37E-A023-47DC-A24C-08246C2BF22A"]},{"name":"botId","operator":"is","value":["2f5e6532-4aeb-4f5f-89ae-596b97c3e662"]},{"name":"agent","operator":"is","value":["9ce9d087-fe54-4e48-a593-d82ea01b99ae"]},{"name":"categoryOptionId","operator":"is","value":["96d4431e-ed3e-4bb1-b2c0-1b3a18169838"]}]}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"total": 4,
"pageCount": 1,
"list": [
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"guid": "17d3c22b-ddd4-4b35-8d52-4cea650386a0",
"sessionId": "57b267a0-f8d8-4e0d-ad8f-3bab8cee9f5e",
"visitorId": "e11203f5-1d97-4c48-8fc2-fc6257d4e13b",
"contactIdentityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"startTime": "2021-04-27T08:52:04.88Z",
"endTime": "2021-04-27T08:59:30.847Z",
"status": "normal",
"requestingPageTitle": "Preview",
"requestingPageURL": "https://dash11.comm100.io/frontEnd/assets/livechat/previewpage/?campaignId=bd8fc603-6d63-49e2-b594-db015c221b40&siteId=10000&q=1619509862473",
"preChatSocialMediaSource": 0,
"preChatSocialProfileURL": "",
"preChatName": "1",
"preChatEmail": "1@1.com",
"preChatProductService": "",
"preChatPhone": "",
"preChatCompany": "",
"preChatTicketId": -1,
"departmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"skillId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requestedTime": "2021-04-27T08:52:04.88Z",
"offlineMessageId": 0,
"avgResponseTime": 0.0,
"visitorMessagesCount": 0,
"agentMessagesCount": 0,
"campaignId": "bd8fc603-6d63-49e2-b594-db015c221b40",
"lastMessageSentBy": "system",
"duration": "00:07:25",
"source": "chatButton",
"waitingTime": "00:00:00",
"autoInvitationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"botDuration": "00:00:00",
"agentDuration": "00:07:25",
"botId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"chatType": "agentOnly",
"messages": [
"chatAction": "agentAcceptChat",
"message": "Agent may1 may has joined the chat.",
"senderType": "system",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:52:05Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentEndChat",
"message": "Agent may1 may has left the chat.",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:59:31Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "systemEndChat",
"message": "The chat is ended.",
"senderType": "system",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:59:31Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"session": {
"id": "57b267a0-f8d8-4e0d-ad8f-3bab8cee9f5e",
"visitorId": "e11203f5-1d97-4c48-8fc2-fc6257d4e13b",
"contactIdentityId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ip": "",
"referrerURL": "https://dash11.comm100.io/frontEnd/assets/livechat/previewpage/?campaignId=bd8fc603-6d63-49e2-b594-db015c221b40&siteId=10000",
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"language": "zh-CN",
"timeZone": "-480"
"id": 4879,
"guid": "94a5836a-cab6-4b30-99d7-24492fc756a2",
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"startTime": "2021-04-27T08:50:33.863Z",
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"status": "normal",
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"departmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
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"requestedTime": "2021-04-27T08:50:33.8633333Z",
"offlineMessageId": 0,
"avgResponseTime": 0.0,
"visitorMessagesCount": 0,
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"campaignId": "bd8fc603-6d63-49e2-b594-db015c221b40",
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"duration": "00:00:18",
"source": "chatButton",
"waitingTime": "00:00:00",
"autoInvitationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"botDuration": "00:00:00",
"agentDuration": "00:00:18",
"botId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"chatType": "agentOnly",
"messages": [
"chatAction": "agentAcceptChat",
"message": "Agent may1 may has joined the chat.",
"senderType": "system",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:50:34Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentEndChat",
"message": "Agent may1 may has left the chat.",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:50:52Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "systemEndChat",
"message": "The chat is ended.",
"senderType": "system",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:50:52Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"session": {
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"id": 4877,
"guid": "67d71d4b-8a6f-45fd-afa8-f158473ec125",
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"startTime": "2021-04-27T08:36:27.833Z",
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"requestedTime": "2021-04-27T08:36:27.8333333Z",
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"visitorMessagesCount": 5,
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"duration": "00:00:37",
"source": "chatButton",
"waitingTime": "00:00:00",
"autoInvitationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"botDuration": "00:00:00",
"agentDuration": "00:00:37",
"botId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"chatType": "agentOnly",
"messages": [
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"message": "Agent may1 may has joined the chat.",
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"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:28Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
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"senderName": "1",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:35Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
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"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:35Z",
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"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:35Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "1123",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:48Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "1",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:48Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "3",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:49Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "12",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:49Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendText",
"message": "312",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:49Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendNoteText",
"message": "123",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "may1 may",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:36:52Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
"chatAction": "agentSendNoteText",
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"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:01Z",
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"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:23Z",
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"message": "Agent may1 may has left the chat.",
"senderType": "agent",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:29Z",
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"chatAction": "systemEndChat",
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"time": "2021-04-27T08:01:29Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
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Search Missed & Refused Chats
POST livechat/missedAndRefusedChats:Search
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
include | string | query | no | Available values for Include are: "campaign", "chatAgent", "chatWrapupCategory", "contactIdentity", "department", "skill". |
pageSize | integer | query | no | Page size. |
pageIndex | integer | query | no | Page index. |
filters | array | body | no | Filter array. Available items are: requestedTime, departmentId, skillId, status, campaignId, segmentId. |
An array of Chat
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/missedAndRefusedChats:search?pageIndex=1&pageSize=50 \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"filters":[{"name":"requestedTime","operator":"is","value":["2021-04-21T00:00:00-07:00","2021-05-06T00:00:00-07:00"]}]}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"total": 1,
"pageCount": 1,
"list": [
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"startTime": "2021-04-21T09:03:59.13Z",
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"requestingPageURL": "https://dash11.comm100.io/frontEnd/assets/livechat/previewpage/?campaignId=8586fecc-312e-46cb-b1a6-9e9c68c0276f&siteId=10000&q=1618995815097",
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"visitorMessagesCount": 0,
"agentMessagesCount": 0,
"campaignId": "8586fecc-312e-46cb-b1a6-9e9c68c0276f",
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"source": "chatButton",
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"botDuration": "00:00:00",
"agentDuration": "00:00:00",
"botId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
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"messages": [
"chatAction": "systemPromoteOfflineMesage",
"message": "If you do not want to wait, please click here to leave us a message.",
"senderType": "system",
"senderName": "",
"time": "2021-04-21T09:04:01Z",
"translatedMessage": "",
"attachment": ""
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Update the Chat Ticket
PUT livechat/chats/{id}
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
preChatTicketId | integer | body | yes | Id of the ticket to which this chat is attached. |
id | integer | query | yes | Id of the chat. |
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats/1 \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"preChatTicketId":2234}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": 1,
"sessionId": "F3B25329-7C46-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
"startTime": "2021-04-28T09:15:01.71Z",
"endTime": "2021-04-28T09:18:01.71Z",
"isQueued": false,
"ifAudioChatHappened": false,
"ifVideoChatHappened": false,
"status": "normal",
"messages": "[ { \"chatAction\": \"agentAcceptChat\", \"message\": \"Agent may1 may has joined the chat.\", \"senderType\": \"system\", \"senderName\": \"\", \"time\": \"2021-04-27T08:52:05Z\", \"translatedMessage\": \"\", \"attachment\": \"\" }, { \"chatAction\": \"agentEndChat\", \"message\": \"Agent may1 may has left the chat.\", \"senderType\": \"agent\", \"senderName\": \"\", \"time\": \"2021-04-27T08:59:31Z\", \"translatedMessage\": \"\", \"attachment\": \"\" }, { \"chatAction\": \"systemEndChat\", \"message\": \"The chat is ended.\", \"senderType\": \"system\", \"senderName\": \"\", \"time\": \"2021-04-27T08:59:31Z\", \"translatedMessage\": \"\", \"attachment\": \"\" } ]",
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"requestingPageURL": "",
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"preChatTicketId": 2234,
"departmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"skillId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"requestedTime": "2021-04-28T09:14:37.3366667Z",
"avgResponseTime": 50,
"visitorMessagesCount": 10,
"agentMessagesCount": 10,
"campaignId": "0DB35329-7C46-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
"waitingTime": 0,
"duration": 0,
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"botDuration": 0,
"agentDuration": 0,
"lastMessageSentBy": "0",
"botId": "14B35329-7C46-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
"guid": "C2B35329-7C46-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
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"contactIdentityId": "EEB35329-7C46-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
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"endTime": "2021-04-29",
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"id": 1
Batch Delete Chats
DELETE livechat/chats
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
Request body | json string | body | yes | Integer Id array of the chats. |
No Content
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-D '[3867,3862,3861]'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Delete a single Chat
DELETE livechat/chats/{id}
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
id | integer | path | yes | Integer Id of the chat. |
No Content
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats/1 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Chat Wrapup Category JSON Format
Chat Wrapup Category is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
chatId | integer | Id of the chat which the wrap-up category belongs to. |
categoryOptionId | guid | Id of the category option which the wrap-up category belongs to. |
id | selfIncrementId | Id of the chat wrap-up category. |
Get the list of Chat Wrapup Categories
GET livechat/chatWrapupCategories
No Parameters
An array of Chat Wrapup Category
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chatWrapupCategories \
-X 'GET' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"chatId": "9B5FBC95-DEE1-4D0A-B75F-DB06B602F3A3",
"categoryOptionId": "9549C2C8-23DC-4DAB-87FF-5A0790A4301B",
"id": 1
Get a single Chat Wrapup Category
GET livechat/chatWrapupCategories/{id}
No Parameters
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chatWrapupCategories/1 \
-X 'GET' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"chatId": "9B5FBC95-DEE1-4D0A-B75F-DB06B602F3A3",
"categoryOptionId": "9549C2C8-23DC-4DAB-87FF-5A0790A4301B",
"id": 1
Update Chat Wrapup Category
POST livechat/chats/{id}/ChatWrapupCategories
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
categoryOptionId | guid | body | yes | Id of the Category Option which the Chat Wrapup Category belongs to |
id | guid | body | yes | Chat guid of the Chat which the Chat Wrapup Category belongs to |
No Content
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats/84d76adc-83f4-42c9-b06d-1b617076a3a7/chatWrapupCategories \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"categoryOptionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Chat Wrap-up JSON Format
Chat Wrap-up is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:
Name | Type | Description |
chatId | integer | Id of the chat. |
agentId | guid | Id of the agent. |
comment | string | Comment of the wrap-up. |
isAutoSubmitted | bool | If the wrap-up is automatically submitted by Smart Wrap-up of Agent Assist, the value is True. |
lastUpdatedTime | timestamp | Last updated time of the warp-up. |
Update the Chat Wrapup
PUT livechat/chats/{id}/chatWrapup
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
comment | string | body | yes | Comment of the wrap-up. |
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chats/12/chatWrapup \
-X 'PUT' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '{"comment":""}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"chatId": 12,
"agentId": "1AB35329-7C46-EB11-8100-00155D081D0B",
"comment": "",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2021-04-28T09:14:37.3366667Z"
Update Chat Wrapup Field Results
POST livechat/chatFieldResults
An array of chat field results
Name | Type | in | Required | Description |
chatId | int | body | yes | Id of the chat which the chat field result belongs to. |
fieldName | string | body | no | Filed name of the chat field result. |
value | string | body | yes | Value of the chat field result. |
fieldId | guid | body | yes | Id of the field which the chat field result belongs to. |
formType | string | body | no | Form field type of the chat field result,only allowed "wrapup" |
No Content
Sample Request:
curl https://api11.comm100.io/v4/livechat/chatFieldResults \
-X 'POST' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-D '[{
"formType": "wrapup",
"fieldId": "d983d5c6-15cc-4ad1-ba2a-12e77b337566",
"fieldName": "Temporary field",
"value": "yes",
"chatId": 11
HTTP/1.1 200 OK