Site Profile
  • 04 Jul 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Site Profile

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Article Summary

Site Profile

You need the Manage Site permission to manage site.

Site Profile JSON Format

Site Profile is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

firstNamestringFirst Name of site registrant.
lastNamestringLast Name of site registrant.
companystringCompany name.
websitestringCompany website.
phonestringCompany phone number.
faxstringCompany fax number.
companySizestringThe number of staff of the company, value options include: 1-20, 21-50, 51-100, 101-180, 181-310, 311-600, Above 600.
mailingAddressstringThe mailing address of the company.
citystringCity where the company located.
stateOrProvincestringState/Province where the company located.
postalOrZipCodestringPostal/Zip Code where the company located.
countryOrRegionstringCountry/Region where the company located.
datetimeFormatstringAllowed values are "YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss", "MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss", "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss", "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss".
languageIdstringLanguage of the site, value options include: en, zh-CN.
timeZonestringTime zone of site. Value include all Time Zone Option identifers.
siteIdintegerId of the site.
statusintegerCurrent status of site.
enabledModulesarrayThe list of enabled modules.
featurePointsarrayThe list of featurepoints.
isFreemiumboolWhether the site is Freemium or not.
limitDataMonthintegerHow many months of data can be accessed on Control Panel history.
sitePlansarrayThe list of plans.
externalIdstringExternal id of the thirdparty system.

Get a single Site Profile

GET global/site

  • Parameters:

No Parameters

  • Response:

Site Profile

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "firstName": "Jason",
  "lastName": "Statham",
  "company": "Comm100",
  "website": "",
  "phone": "88654987",
  "fax": "58469215",
  "companySize": "101-180",
  "mailingAddress": "",
  "city": "Vancouver",
  "stateOrProvince": "British Columbia",
  "postalOrZipCode": "V7J",
  "countryOrRegion": "Canada",
  "datetimeFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss",
  "timeZone": "Atlantic Standard Time",
  "siteId": 10000,
  "status": 0,
  "externalId": "",
  "enabledModules": [
          "id": "d8ea444e-f566-4abd-9dd2-ec64532b7da9",
          "moduleId": ""
  "featurePoints": [
          "featurePointItemId": "",
          "id": "3a91f376-68b9-44fe-9e45-5e6b89a56097"
  "isFreemium": false,
  "limitDataMonth": 0,
  "sitePlans": [
          "planId": 211,
          "name": "Comm100 Omnichannel Business"

Update the Site Profile

PUT global/site

  • Parameters:

firstNamestringbodyyesFirst Name of site registrant.
lastNamestringbodyyesLast Name of site registrant.
companystringbodyyesCompany name.
websitestringbodyyesCompany website.
phonestringbodynoCompany phone number.
faxstringbodynoCompany fax number.
companySizestringbodyyesThe number of staff of the company, value options include: 1-20, 21-50, 51-100, 101-180, 181-310, 311-600, Above 600.
mailingAddressstringbodynoThe mailing address of the company.
citystringbodynoCity where the company located.
stateOrProvincestringbodynoState/Province where the company located.
postalOrZipCodestringbodynoPostal/Zip Code where the company located.
countryOrRegionstringbodyyesCountry/Region where the company located.
datetimeFormatstringbodyyesAllowed values are "YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss", "MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss", "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss", "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss".
languageIdstringbodynoLanguage of the site, value options include: en, zh-CN.
timeZonestringbodyyesTime zone of site. Value include all Time Zone Option identifers.
siteIdintegerbodynoId of the site.
statusintegerbodynoCurrent status of site.
enabledModulesarraybodynoThe list of enabled modules.
featurePointsarraybodynoThe list of featurepoints.
externalIdstringbodynoExternal id of the thirdparty system.
  • Response:

Site Profile

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'PUT' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"firstName":"Jason","lastName":"Statham","company":"Comm100","website":"","phone":"88654987","fax":"58469215","companySize":"101-180","mailingAddress":"","city":"Vancouver","stateOrProvince":"British Columbia","postalOrZipCode":"V7J","countryOrRegion":"Canada","datetimeFormat":"MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss","timeZone":"Atlantic Standard Time","status":0}' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "siteId": 10000,
  "firstName": "Jason",
  "lastName": "Statham",
  "company": "Comm100",
  "website": "",
  "phone": "88654987",
  "fax": "58469215",
  "companySize": "101-180",
  "mailingAddress": "",
  "city": "Vancouver",
  "stateOrProvince": "British Columbia",
  "postalOrZipCode": "V7J",
  "countryOrRegion": "Canada",
  "datetimeFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss",
  "languageId": "en",
  "timeZone": "Atlantic Standard Time",
  "status": 0,
  "externalId": "",
  "enabledModules": [
          "id": "d8ea444e-f566-4abd-9dd2-ec64532b7da9",
          "moduleId": ""
  "featurePoints": [
          "featurePointItemId": "",
          "id": "3a91f376-68b9-44fe-9e45-5e6b89a56097"

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