Audit Log
  • 01 Sep 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Audit Log

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Article Summary

Audit Log

You need View Audit Log permission to view audit logs.

Audit Log JSON Format

Audit Log is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

idguidId of the audit log.
moduleIdstringModule which the action belongs to.
actionSummarystringSummary of the action.
actionDetailsstringDetails of the action.
agentIdguidId of the agent who did the action.
createTimedatetimeAudit log create time.
actionTypeIdintegerId of the action type.
agentagentReference to Agent.
actionTypeactionTypeReference to Action Type.
modulemoduleReference to Module.

Get the list of Audit Logs

GET global/auditLogs

  • Parameters:

anyAgentguidquerynoId of the agent.
keywordsstringquerynoThe keywords associated with the action.
actionTimeDateTimequerynoThe created time of the action.
actionTypeintquerynoAction types for different applications. Call this interface 'Get the list of ActionTypes' to get action types.
modulestringquerynoThe module of the action. Call this interface 'Get the list of Modules' to get modules.
includestringquerynoAllowed values are "agent", "actionType", "module".
  • Response:

An array of Audit Log

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "auditLogs": [
          "id": "ce589f1b-bc14-47f2-ac5e-e9bfd33e1fd1",
          "moduleId": "Global",
          "actionSummary": "Update Restricted Words  : 10000   (ID: 10000) ",
          "actionDetails": "[{\"fieldName\":\"avatar\",\"newValue\":\"\",\"oldValue\":\"\"},{\"fieldName\":\"systemAvatarId\",\"newValue\":\"1768a098-f138-eb11-ac9f-18c04d023ea9\",\"oldValue\":\"2d83d4fd-3114-eb11-80fc-00155d081d0b\"}]",
          "agentId": "07975907-ee24-4722-b7df-711a2a4f5dba",
          "createTime": "2021-04-16T10:05:38.7593288Z",
          "actionTypeId": "1",
          "agent": {
              "avatar": "",
              "id": "c2c165b7-d5ce-40e5-a492-f586f514a062",
              "email": "",
              "displayName": "Andy Liao",
              "firstName": "Andy",
              "lastName": "Liao",
              "isAdmin": true,
              "isActive": true,
              "phone": "13712345678",
              "title": "Manager",
              "bio": "Hello, I am Andy",
              "timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time",
              "datetimeFormat": "YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss",
              "systemAvatarId": "1383d4fd-3114-eb11-80fc-00155d081d0b",
              "ifCustomizeAvatar": true,
              "customizeAvatar": "",
              "createdTime": "2020-12-25T06:01:00.913Z",
              "isLocked": true,
              "lockedTime": "2020-12-25T06:01:00.93Z",
              "isDeleted": false,
              "language": "en",
              "superAgentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
              "externalId": "",                      
              "permissionIds": [
              "departmentIds": [
              "roleIds": [
              "shiftIds": [],
              "chatbotSmartTriggerActionIds": [],
              "triggerIds": [],
              "segmentIds": [],
              "skillIds": []
          "actionType": {
              "id": 1,
              "moduleId": "Global",
              "name": "Agent Role Management"
          "module": {
              "id": "",
              "name": "LiveChat",
              "description": "This is LiveChat.",
              "order": 0
  "nextPage": null,
  "previousPage": null,
  "total": 1

Get a single Audit Log

GET global/auditLogs/{id}

  • Parameters:

includestringquerynoAllowed values are "agent", "actionType", "module".
  • Response:

Audit Log

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "id": "ce589f1b-bc14-47f2-ac5e-e9bfd33e1fd1",
  "moduleId": "Global",
  "actionSummary": "Update Restricted Words  : 10000   (ID: 10000) ",
  "actionDetails": "[{\"fieldName\":\"avatar\",\"newValue\":\"\",\"oldValue\":\"\"},{\"fieldName\":\"systemAvatarId\",\"newValue\":\"1768a098-f138-eb11-ac9f-18c04d023ea9\",\"oldValue\":\"2d83d4fd-3114-eb11-80fc-00155d081d0b\"}]",
  "agentId": "07975907-ee24-4722-b7df-711a2a4f5dba",
  "createTime": "2021-04-16T10:05:38.7593288Z",
  "actionTypeId": "1",
  "agent": {
      "avatar": "",
      "id": "c2c165b7-d5ce-40e5-a492-f586f514a062",
      "email": "",
      "displayName": "Andy Liao",
      "firstName": "Andy",
      "lastName": "Liao",
      "isAdmin": true,
      "isActive": true,
      "phone": "13712345678",
      "title": "Manager",
      "bio": "Hello, I am Andy",
      "timeZone": "Pacific Standard Time",
      "datetimeFormat": "YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss",
      "systemAvatarId": "1383d4fd-3114-eb11-80fc-00155d081d0b",
      "ifCustomizeAvatar": true,
      "customizeAvatar": "",
      "createdTime": "2020-12-25T06:01:00.913Z",
      "isLocked": true,
      "lockedTime": "2020-12-25T06:01:00.93Z",
      "isDeleted": false,
      "language": "en",
      "superAgentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "externalId": "",     
      "permissionIds": [
      "departmentIds": [
      "roleIds": [
      "shiftIds": [],
      "chatbotSmartTriggerActionIds": [],
      "triggerIds": [],
      "segmentIds": [],
      "skillIds": []
  "actionType": {
      "id": 1,
      "moduleId": "Global",
      "name": "Agent Role Management"
  "module": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "LiveChat",
      "description": "This is LiveChat.",
      "order": 0

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