Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer
  • 16 Jun 2022
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Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer

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Article summary

Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer

Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer JSON Format

Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

chatbotIdguidId of the chatbot.
messagestringThe defined message which is displayed before listing the possible answers.
noOfSuggestionsintegerNumber of suggestions.
chatbotchatbotReference to Chatbot.

Get a single Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer

GET bot/chatbots/{id}/chatbotMessageWhenProvidingPossibleAnswer

  • Parameters:

includestringquerynoAllowed value is "chatbot".
  • Response:

Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "chatbotId": "e8bf0d25-eed6-4a46-a417-368e15019609",
  "message": "Hmm..Do any of these topics match what you're looking for?",
  "noOfSuggestions": 1,
  "chatbot": {
      "id": "e8bf0d25-eed6-4a46-a417-318e15019609",
      "languageId": "en",
      "name": "Testchatbot",
      "thirdPartyWebhookUrl": "https://",
      "trainingStatus": "0",
      "importingStatus": "0",
      "highConfidenceScore": 40,
      "noAnswerScore": 20,
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2021-04-07T05:59:17.887Z",
      "outputAudioEncoding": "linear16",
      "voiceGender": "male",
      "ifCustomizeAvatar": false,
      "customizeAvatar": "",
      "systemAvatarId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
      "veryNegativeScore": -8,
      "negativeScore": -3,
      "neutralScore": 2,
      "positiveScore": 7,
      "ifSentiment": false,
      "ifAutoTranslation": true,
      "engineId": "266b567c-c716-43c4-84e1-5723f5badfaf",
      "description": "",
      "thirdPartyBotId": "",
      "thirdPartyBotVersion": 1,
      "quickReplyStyles": "",
      "avatar": "",
      "engine": {
          "id": "bbec7c36-9c72-4789-8e07-8951c22eb945",
          "name": ""
      "channelIds": [
          "Live Chat"

Update the Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer

PUT bot/chatbots/{id}/chatbotMessageWhenProvidingPossibleAnswer

  • Parameters:

messagestringbodyyesThe defined message which is displayed before listing the possible answers.
noOfSuggestionsintegerbodynoNumber of suggestions.
  • Response:

Chatbot Message When Providing Possible Answer

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'PUT' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"message":"Hmm..Do any of these topics match what you're looking for?","noOfSuggestions":1}' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "chatbotId": "e8bf0d25-eed6-4a46-a417-368e15019609",
  "message": "Hmm..Do any of these topics match what you're looking for?",
  "noOfSuggestions": 1,
  "chatbot": {
      "id": "e8bf0d25-eed6-4a46-a417-318e15019609",
      "languageId": "en",
      "name": "Testchatbot",
      "thirdPartyWebhookUrl": "https://",
      "trainingStatus": "0",
      "importingStatus": "0",
      "highConfidenceScore": 40,
      "noAnswerScore": 20,
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2021-04-07T05:59:17.887Z",
      "outputAudioEncoding": "linear16",
      "voiceGender": "male",
      "ifCustomizeAvatar": false,
      "customizeAvatar": "",
      "systemAvatarId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
      "veryNegativeScore": -8,
      "negativeScore": -3,
      "neutralScore": 2,
      "positiveScore": 7,
      "ifSentiment": false,
      "ifAutoTranslation": true,
      "engineId": "266b567c-c716-43c4-84e1-5723f5badfaf",
      "description": "",
      "thirdPartyBotId": "",
      "thirdPartyBotVersion": 1,
      "quickReplyStyles": "",
      "avatar": "",
      "engine": {
          "id": "bbec7c36-9c72-4789-8e07-8951c22eb945",
          "name": ""
      "channelIds": [
          "Live Chat"

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