Bot Message API
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
  • Dark

Bot Message API

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Article summary


  • Chatbot Message API. Use this API to send messages to Comm100 Live Chat channel while bot chatting

Only work in Comm100 Live Chat Channel

- session


API_key Authentication

For each method call, you must use your email and API_KEY.Authentication to the API is done via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your email as the basic auth username and API_KEY as the password. You must authenticate for API requests.


  • POST /api/v3/bot/sessions/{sessionId}:sendMessage - Send Message


ChatbotMessage is represented as simple flat json objects with the following keys:

typeenumyesit is a enum value with options: text,image,video, quickreply, button, intent.
contentobjectyesresponse's content.
when type is text, it represents TextResponse;
when type is image,it represents ImageResponse;
when type is video, it represents VideoResponse;
when type is quickreply, it represents QuickReplyResponse;
when type is button, it represents ButtonResponse;
when type is intent, it represents IntentId or intent name;
disableChatInputAreaboolnodefault value is false
delayTimedecimal1how many seconds delay to show


TextResponse is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

messagestringyesmessage of the response
linksarray of linkyeslinks in the text


Link is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

typeenumyesit is an enum value with options: hyperlink
startPositionintyesstart index of text which contains link info
endPositionintyesend index of text which contains link info
urlstringnourl of the web resource,including web forms,articles,images,video,etc. When the type is hyperlink, it is mandatory, otherwise not
ifPushPageboolnoauto open url in the side window
openInenumnoit is an enum value with options: currentWindow,sideWindow and newWindow. This field defined the way that webpage will be opened.


ImageResponse is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

descriptionstringyesdescription of the image, it will be displayed as the alternative text of the image
urlstringyesurl of the image


VideoResponse is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

urlstringyesurl of the video


QuickReplyResponse is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

messagestringyesmessage of the response
itemsarray of QuickReplyItemyes


QuickReplyItem is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

typeenumyesit is an enum value with options: goToIntent, contactAgent and text
textstringyestext on quick reply
intentIdGUIDnoid of the intent which current quickreply point to. When the type is goToIntent, it is mandatory, otherwise not
intentNamestringnoname of the intent which current quickreply point to. It will only take effect if intentId is empty or not set.


ButtonResponse is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

messagestringyesmessage of the response
itemsarray of ButtonItemyes


ButtonItem is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

typeenumyesit is an enum value with options: hyperlink,webview and goToIntent
textstringyestext on button
urlstringnourl of the web resource,including web forms,articles,images,video,etc. When the type is hyperlink or webview, it is mandatory, otherwise not
intentIdGUIDnoid of the intent which current button point to. When the type is goToIntent, it is mandatory, otherwise not
intentNamestringnoname of the intent which current button point to. It will only take effect if intentId is empty or not set.
openInenumnoit is an enum value with options: currentWindow,sideWindow and newWindow. This field defined the way that webpage will be opened. When the type is hyperlink, it is mandatory, otherwise not
webviewOpenStyleenumnoit is an enum value with options: compact, tall and full. This field defined the way that webview will be opened. When the type is webview, it is mandatory, otherwise not


Send Message

POST /api/v3/bot/sessions/{sessionId}:sendMessage


Path parameters

sessionIdGuidyesid of the chat

Query String

siteIdintyesid of the site

Request body

The request body contains data with the follow structure:

botIdGuidyesid of the chatbot
visitorIdGuidyesid of the visitor
intentIdGuidnoid of the intent
messagesChatbotMessage[]yesmax 10 messages in the list and only 1 quickreply type message in the list


    "botId": "44f88d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
    "visitorId": "a9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
    "messages": [
            "type": "text",
            "content": {
                "message": "this is a plain message"
            "disableChatInputArea": true


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Using curl

curl -H "Authorization: Basic"
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "botId": "44f88d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
    "visitorId": "a9928d68-92e6-4487-a2e8-8234fc9d1f48",
    "messages": [
            "type": "text",
            "content": {
                "message": "this is a plain message"
            "disableChatInputArea": true
  }' -X POST


  HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
  Content-Type:  application/json

ChatbotMessage List Sample Json

          "type": "text",
          "content": {
              "message": "this is a plain message"
          "disableChatInputArea": true
          "type": "text",
          "content": {
              "message": "this is a web link message",
              "link": [{
                  "type": "hypelink",// hypelink
                  "startPosition": 10,
                  "endPosition": 17,
                  "ifPushPage": true,
                  "url": "",
                  "openIn": "sideWindow"// currentWindow, sideWindow or newWindow.
          "disableChatInputArea": true
          "type": "image",
          "content": {
              "description": "description of the image",
              "url": ""
          "disableChatInputArea": true
          "type": "video",
          "content": {
              "url": ""
          "disableChatInputArea": true
          "type": "button",
          "content": {
              "message": "this is a button response",
              "items": [
                      "type": "goToIntent",// goToIntent, hyperlink or webview.
                      "text": "click to trigger test-intent-name",
                      "intentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001111"
                      "type": "hyperlink",
                      "text": "click to open this url in web page",
                      "url": "",
                      "openIn": "currentWindow"
                      "type": "webview",
                      "text": "click to open this url in web view",
                      "url": "",
                      "webviewOpenStyle": "full"
          "disableChatInputArea": true
      }, {
          "type": "quickreply",
          "content": {
              "message": "this is a quick reply response",
              "items": [
                      "type": "goToIntent",// goToIntent, contactAgent or text.
                      "text": "click to trigger test-intent-name",
                      "intentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001111"
                      "type": "goToIntent",// goToIntent, contactAgent or text.
                      "text": "Go to main menu",
                      "intentName": "main menu"
                      "type": "contactAgent",
                      "text": "click to contact agent"
          "disableChatInputArea": true

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