Agent Assist
  • 11 Jul 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Agent Assist

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Article summary

Agent Assist

Agent Assist JSON Format

Agent Assist is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

isEnabledboolWhether provide different answer suggestions to agents or not.
languageIdstringLanguage options: en, zh-CN, zh-TW.
isCannedMessageIncludedboolWhether canned message is an answer source for the agent assist or not. When true, there will be a new option called "Similar questions" under each public canned message. Default: true.
isKnowledgeBaseIncludedboolWhether knowledge base is an answer source for the agent assist or not. When true, there will be a new option called "Similar questions" under each knowledge base article. Default: false.
isChatbotIncludedboolWhether bot is an answer source for the Agent Assist or not. When true, agent assist will provide agents with the answers pulled from the selected bot intents. Default: false.
highConfidenceScoreintegerAgent Assist will display suggestions only when the score of the suggested item is higher than this value. Value is beteween 1 and 100. Default: 40.
maximumSuggestionNumberintegerThe maximum number of suggestions Agent Assist can provide. Available value: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default: 3.
ifAutoAddVisitorQuestionAsSimilarQuestionWhenSelectedboolWhether enriching Canned Message and KB article similar questions with Agent Assist suggestions or not.
ifAutoAddUnrecognizedQuestionsToLearningboolWhether adding unrecognized visitor questions to Agent Assist Learning section automatically or not.
textBeforeKBArticlestringTexts displayed before the suggested knowledge base article link
chatbotIdsarrayThe list of chatbot that agent assist select.
knowledgeBaseIdsarrayList of knowledge bases selected as the agent assist answer source.

Get a single Agent Assist

GET bot/agentAssist

  • Parameters:

includestringquerynoAllowed values are "chatbot", "knowledgeBase".
  • Response:

Agent Assist

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'GET' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "isEnabled": true,
  "languageId": "en",
  "isCannedMessageIncluded": true,
  "isKnowledgeBaseIncluded": true,
  "isChatbotIncluded": true,
  "highConfidenceScore": 40,
  "maximumSuggestionNumber": 3,
  "ifAutoAddVisitorQuestionAsSimilarQuestionWhenSelected": true,
  "ifAutoAddUnrecognizedQuestionsToLearning": true,
  "textBeforeKBArticle": "Please refer to the Knowledge Base article ",
  "chatbotIds": [
  "knowledgeBaseIds": [

Update the Agent Assist

PUT bot/agentAssist

  • Parameters:

isEnabledboolbodyyesWhether provide different answer suggestions to agents or not.
languageIdstringbodyyesLanguage options: en, zh-CN, zh-TW.
isCannedMessageIncludedboolbodynoWhether canned message is an answer source for the agent assist or not. When true, there will be a new option called "Similar questions" under each public canned message. Default: true.
isKnowledgeBaseIncludedboolbodynoWhether knowledge base is an answer source for the agent assist or not. When true, there will be a new option called "Similar questions" under each knowledge base article. Default: false.
isChatbotIncludedboolbodynoWhether bot is an answer source for the Agent Assist or not. When true, agent assist will provide agents with the answers pulled from the selected bot intents. Default: false.
highConfidenceScoreintegerbodynoAgent Assist will display suggestions only when the score of the suggested item is higher than this value. Value is beteween 1 and 100. Default: 40.
maximumSuggestionNumberintegerbodynoThe maximum number of suggestions Agent Assist can provide. Available value: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default: 3.
ifAutoAddVisitorQuestionAsSimilarQuestionWhenSelectedboolbodynoWhether enriching Canned Message and KB article similar questions with Agent Assist suggestions or not.
ifAutoAddUnrecognizedQuestionsToLearningboolbodynoWhether adding unrecognized visitor questions to Agent Assist Learning section automatically or not.
textBeforeKBArticlestringbodynoTexts displayed before the suggested knowledge base article link
chatbotIdsarraybodynoThe list of chatbot that agent assist select.
knowledgeBaseIdsarraybodynoList of knowledge bases selected as the agent assist answer source.
  • Response:

Agent Assist

  • Example

Sample Request:

curl \ 
    -X 'PUT' \ 
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    -D '{"isEnabled":true,"languageId":"en","isCannedMessageIncluded":true,"isKnowledgeBaseIncluded":true,"isChatbotIncluded":true,"highConfidenceScore":40,"maximumSuggestionNumber":3,"ifAutoAddVisitorQuestionAsSimilarQuestionWhenSelected":true,"ifAutoAddUnrecognizedQuestionsToLearning":true,"textBeforeKBArticle":"Please refer to the Knowledge Base article "}' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "isEnabled": true,
  "languageId": "en",
  "isCannedMessageIncluded": true,
  "isKnowledgeBaseIncluded": true,
  "isChatbotIncluded": true,
  "highConfidenceScore": 40,
  "maximumSuggestionNumber": 3,
  "ifAutoAddVisitorQuestionAsSimilarQuestionWhenSelected": true,
  "ifAutoAddUnrecognizedQuestionsToLearning": true,
  "textBeforeKBArticle": "Please refer to the Knowledge Base article ",
  "chatbotIds": [
  "knowledgeBaseIds": [

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