  • 20 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary


Dataset defines the entities that Comm100 can query for reporting. All of them can be obtained through the api.

Dataset JSON Format

Dataset is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

idstringThe id of the dataset used to identify the dataset.
modulestringWhich product this dataset belongs to. Available values are: Live Chat, Ticketing & Messaging, Bot, Global Settings.
metricsMetric[]Predefined metrics in the dataset. You can use these metrics when using reporting query.
attributesAttribute[]Predefined attributes in the dataset. You can use attribute to filter or group reports.

Metric JSON Format

Metric is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

idstringThe id of the metric used to identify the metric.
namestringThe name of the metric, which is usually used to display the metric.
descriptionstringExpress the specific meaning of this metric.
availableAggregatorsstring[]Which operators are applicable to this metric. Available items are: count, avg, max, min, sum, percentage.
typestringIn which type to present the calculation result of the metric. Available items are: "timespan", "number", "percentage".

Attribute JSON Format

Attribute is represented as simple flat JSON objects with the following keys:

idstringThe Id of the attribute used to identify the attribute.
namestringThe Name of the attribute.
typestringThe type of the attribute. Available values are: string, datetime, enum.

Get Datasets

GET /reporting/datasets

  • Request parameters

    No parameters.

  • Response body:

    An array of Dataset.

  • Example

    • Request
    curl \
    -X 'GET' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
    • Response
      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          "id": "Chat",
          "name": "Chat",
          "description": "Create customized reports on chat volumes and agent performance. Examples include chats, chat requests, missed chats, chat rating, wait time, chat messages, etc.",
          "module": "Live Chat",
          "metrics": [
                  "id": "AbandonedChats",
                  "name": "Abandoned Chats",
                  "availableAggregators": [
                  "description": "The number of chat requests abandoned by visitors before connecting with agents.",
                  "type": "number"
          "attributes": [
                  "id": "ChatAgent",
                  "name": "Agent",
                  "type": "string"

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