Bot JavaScript SDK
  • 29 Nov 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Bot JavaScript SDK

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Article summary


Bot JavaScript SDK is used to connect Comm100 Live Chat Visitor Side and 3rd party systems.

For example, Comm100 Chatbot can send a form to visitors for collecting information. The form can be the built-in form with custom fields or a fully custom form from your webpage. If you are using your own form, you can set values, submit form or get chatbot variables with the SDK.


To use the SDK, please copy and paste the following code into the form webpage before the closing </body> tag

<!-- Begin BotJavaScriptSDK Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var url = "";
    var BotJavaScriptSDK = BotJavaScriptSDK || {};
    (function (t) {
    function e(e) {
        var a = document.createElement("script"),
        c = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
        (a.type = "text/javascript"),
        (a.async = !0),
        (a.src = e),
        c.parentNode.insertBefore(a, c);
    setTimeout(function () {
        t.loaded || e(url);
    }, 5e3);
<!-- End BotJavaScriptSDK Code -->

How to use the SDK

It's recommended to wrap your call with a callback function that is assigned to BotJavaScriptSDK.onReady.

BotJavaScriptSDK.onReady = function () {
  // use SDK here safely

Your can find some examples in this repository:

What the SDK provides

Bot JavaScript SDK provides 3 functions: Get, Set and Do.


To get information from chatbot, you can use BotJavaScriptSDK.get:

 * @param {string} type - Type of data to get, you can find all types in doc below.
 * @return {any} result.


To set value to chatbot variable, you can use BotJavaScriptSDK.set:

 * @param {string} type - Type of data to set, you can find all types in doc below.
 * @param {any} value - Value that will be set.
BotJavaScriptSDK.set("bot.variable", {
  name: "Name",
  value: "xxx",


To submit a form or close form page, you can use

 * @param {string} type - Type of action to do, you can find all types in doc below.
 * @param {any} value - Value that will be send.
 * finished successfully or not.  nothing will be returned.
var name = "xxx";
var email = "";
  `submit success! \n name: ${name} \n email: ${email}`


Site ID

const siteId = BotJavaScriptSDK.get(`livechat.siteId`);

Campaign ID

const campaignId = BotJavaScriptSDK.get(`livechat.campaignId`);

Chat Id

const chatId = BotJavaScriptSDK.get(`livechat.chatId`);

Bot info

const botInfo = BotJavaScriptSDK.get("bot.botInfo");

Get or Set Custom Variable

const customVariables = BotJavaScriptSDK.get("livechat.customVariables");
 * @return
 * [
 *  {
 *   name: "custom variable 1",
 *   value: "current value",
 *  },
 *  {
 *   name: "non-existant custom variable",
 *   value: "current value",
 *  }
 * ]

const values = [
    name: "custom variable 1",
    value: "current value",
    name: "non-existant custom variable",
    value: "current value",
    name: "ignored custom variable",
BotJavaScriptSDK.set("livechat.customVariables", values);

Get or Set Bot variables

const collectValues = BotJavaScriptSDK.get("bot.variables");
 * @return
 * {
 *   "variableName1": "variable value",
 *   "variableName2": ["variable value1", "variable value2"],
 *   "variableName3": {
 *                       "key1": "value",
 *                       "key2": "value2"
 *                    }
 * }
BotJavaScriptSDK.set("bot.variable", {
        name: "variableName1",
        value: "variable value",
BotJavaScriptSDK.set("bot.variable", {
        name: "variableName2",
        value: ["variable value1", "variable value2"],
BotJavaScriptSDK.set("bot.variable", {
        name: "variableName3",
        value:  {
                    "key1": "value",
                    "key2": "value2"

Get visitor Info

const visitorInfo = Comm100APICrossMessage.get("bot.visitorInfo");
 * @return
 * {
 *   name: "",
 *   email: "",
 *   phone: "",
 *   company: "",
 *   product: "",
 *   department: "",
 *   ticketId: "",
 *   ...
 * }

Submit data

var name = "xxx";
var email = "";
  `submit success! \n name: ${name} \n email: ${email}`

Close webView"bot.sendForm.close");

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